Need a report. I already had a proposal (introduction is not so good in proposal).Follow the rubrics and attachments.Plagiarism-0%Reference should be cited and mentioned.

Grading Rubric for Proposal Assignment Names:____________________________________

Cover page: APA style, contains correct information /1

  1. Introduction:

Identification of readership/audience and needs

Purpose of proposal

Description of situation

Definition of any key terms

Problem statement or question

Approach to research and finding solutions (brief summary/intro)

Why you are the right person to do the research and the work /10

  1. Scope of research

What you will do; what you will not do

Potential limits of research /5

  1. Possible Solutions

Discussion of possible solutions to problem

Statement of what you think at this point will be the best solution to the problem /5

Summary of your own research to date

  1. Work plan


Projected Stages of research with time lines for completing each

Projected Costs to you and potential clients /5

  1. Conclusion

Briefly restates how readers/clients will benefit from this work/research and your knowledge and expertise; ends with a call to action /5

  1. Format

Use of headings (parallelism, either lists or paragraphs or both)

Clear, grammatically correct sentences

In-text citations for quotations—APA style /5

Correct list of references, used in this paper -APA style

(to be added to for the final report)

TOTAL: /35