2200-3000 words free to use pic and research and i had draft plz write follow my draft and teacher comment i will post it under What is the academic conversation that you are entering with this essay

Writing Identity English Composition I 50:989:101: 26 ASSIGNMENT SHEET - Unit 6 Take Two Task In this essay you are going to construct an academic argument based on the stance you took in your open -letter. This should be imagined as a peer -to -peer assignment, meaning that you are writing for an audience of undergraduate students. You will be creating an evidential and rhetorical -based defense for your position. This assignment also expects that you acknowledge the legitimacy of opposing views throug h strategies of concession and refutation. Imagine that you are answering a question in a complex, non -obvious manner. How will you attempt to prove that answer? As you draft your final assignment for this course, consider these questions: • How will you organize your claims and evidence to best present your argument? • How will you presume counterarguments to your writing? • Why is your argument important? What is the call to write this essay? Upon completion of this assignment, I may ask that you consider su bmitting this to The Scarlet Review , Rutgers -Camden’s first online, undergraduate magazine. http://scarletreview.camden.rutgers.edu/home.html Guidelines Your essay will be approximately 2,200 to 3,000 words long. The pages are to be double -spaced with 12 -point font and 1 -inch margins. The heading of the essay should include your name, my name, and the unit title. The file name should read as follows: LastName.FirstName_Unit6. Because this may be considered for publication online, you can format it as such. You are welcome to include images, graphics, videos, and hyperlinks to bolster your argument. Feel free to get creative with the title of your essay. Deliverables • First draft ( 5-6 pages) o Due during paper conference when you meet with me. o Due on Sakai: Wednesday , December 1 2, 201 8 at 8:00AM. o Word Doc or PDF submitted under the “Unit 6 – Draft” Assignment tab on Sakai. • Final essay (6 -8 pages) o Due: Monday , December 17 , 201 8 at 12:00PM. o Word Doc or PDF submitted under the “Unit 6 – Final” Assignment tab on Sakai. Learning Goals By the end of these assignments students will practice: • Analyzing your issue from a critical distance. • Proper citation and documentation of source materials. • Acknowledging the legitimacy of opposing views as a rhetorical strategy. • Constructing a formal thesis and clear organization. • Creating an academic argument that can be disputed and that adds to a larger conversation about the issue you are dealing with. • Summary, paraphrasing, and quotation. • Composing an academic essay. Standards of Evaluation The best essays will: • Be turned in on time. • Include a first draft. This draft will count for 25% of the assignment’s grade. • Be explicit in titling and file naming. • State a clear thesis of a non -obvious claim to be proved throughout an essay. • Exemplify why their issue and claim is an important one. • Focus on specific examples that bolster your argument. • Construct a logical argument to add to an academic conversation. • Synthesize the rhetorical aspects of your writing to make them most e ffective. • Write intentionally – these essays will be persuasive, informative, and complex.