Be sure you answer the entire question. Have you explained your position clearly? Are your reasons and ideasexamples of elevated business thinking?Be sure to talk directly to your audience - the emplo

Metz Management 3 06 Business Ethics Pick ONE of the following questions to create your Business Ethics paper. Follow the directions for each question, as they are all slightly different. Remember, these are ETHICAL questions, as well as business issues. So, your answers/ideas/examples should consider the “ethical” component of these issues. Ethical issues are sensitive, so no matter what position you take, you should try to be sensitive to the opposing viewpoints. Question #1 – The Wellness Ring Improving employee health and overall wellness is a priority for many companies. During the current pandemic, ke eping employees healthy is the only way business can stay open and generating profit. Businesses have discovered health y employees are much happier, more energetic, and ultimately, more productive. As a result, businesses are turning to technology to help create a healthier workforce. Your company (306 Industries ) is going to issue all employees a WELLNESS RING, which will allow the monitoring, tracking, and analyzing of every employee’s health. This is a direct result of the COVID -19 pandemic. The wellness ring will monitor all virus related symptoms, including temperature, heart rate, stress levels, weight, calorie intake, cholesterol levels, sugar levels, caffeine levels, blood alcohol level, and drug s in the system. The tracking feature even allows the company to monitor employee location and movement. Your CEO has already heard complaints from several employee s, who have raised privacy issues , claiming this invasive technology can be used f or unethical purposes. Management has asked you to write a MEMO to 306 Industries’ employees explaining many of the benefits of this new health initiative. Convince y our employees to wear a RING that allows the company to monitor, chart, and store all this information. Question #2 – The EYE in the SKY Your business has received GREAT NEWS: the state has informed you that your office is allowed to reopen – IF your employees follow the strict sanitizing and social distancing policies the state has impl emented. To guarantee employees will follow these new restrictions, y our company ’s management (306 Industries) is installing cameras and microphones inside your office and around the building. Cameras and microphones will be placed in strategic areas thr oughout the office, including at all cubicles, all meeting rooms, breakrooms, and even outside in the courtyards and parking lots.

The entire building will be wired to track all movements and pick up all sounds. (Bathrooms will be the only area off limits. ) In the past, y our office has had some troubling incidents from employees who have not been monitored or “watched.” Some e mployees waste hours of company time ; some employees arriv e late and leav e early . Constant cellphones use , unlimited personal calls, non -business related internet searches on company issued computers and tablets , and personal side conversations are problems estimated to cost the company millions in lost productivity . Management is sure the new cameras and microphones wil l help eliminate most of these issues as well as help with the new sanitizing and social distancing policies the state requires. You are the Manager of this office. You are very concerned about how your employees will react to this new office environment. You have serious doubts about the need for this new monitoring system; more importantly, your group feels this is an extreme invasion of privacy and raises serious ethical questions. Write the 306 Industries CEO (I.C. Allya) a MEMO . Briefly explain why cameras and microphones are NOT needed. Then , create YOUR OWN plan to enforce the sanitizing and social distancing policies. Explain why your plan will be more effective than the cameras and microphones. Question #3 – The FACE of the Future For security reasons and to help prevent the spread of the COVID 19 virus, our school is planning to install facial recognition sensors at the entran ce of every building on campus. The sensors will also record a student’s temperature. To gain access to build ings and other places on campus, students will be scanned as they enter the buildin g and their temperatures will be checked. If students have legitimate reasons for being in these buildings, the system will grant them access. If a student does not have an acceptable reason for being in the building, they will be denied entry. If they have an elevated temperature, they will likewise be denied access to the building. If an individual who has not been scanned and registered by the system tries to enter a buil ding, access will be denied. The sensors and monitors will determine who is allowed in the building. Do you think this new security system is a good idea or not? If you think this system IS a good idea, what reasons/examples can you come up with to convince others who might have serious doubts about this technology? If you think this system IS NOT a good idea, what specific reasons do you have for your doubts? Take a position on this issue. Write a MEMO to the President of this school and explain wh y using facial recognition software is a good idea, or why it is NOT the best way to secure our campus. FORMAT CHANGE ALERT!!! Based on previous writings, it seems many of you are ove r-using BULLET POINTS . This has led to a lack of development. For this reason, I am asking for a change in writing style for this assignment. You can use headings as you have done in the past; however, in the sections that follow each heading, please use fully developed paragr aphs to discuss your ideas. DO NOT use bullets points – UNLESS they are fully developed ideas. Using paragraphs should help you write more complete, detailed, and developed ideas. (This is my hope.) As always, you can write as much or as little as you desi re. Just be certain your ideas are fully explained! Note: use business format : s ingle spaced, double space between sections, headings, bold, effective white space.

Do not indent any of the paragraphs, as business format uses block paragraphs. If you have any questions about this, please let me know. Good luck!