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Be sure you answer the entire question. Have you explained your position clearly? Are your reasons and ideasexamples of elevated business thinking?Be sure to talk directly to your audience - the emplo

Be sure you answer the entire question. Have you explained your position clearly? Are your reasons and ideasexamples of elevated business thinking?Be sure to talk directly to your audience - the employees OR the owner OR the school's president.

2.Be sure the MEMO formatis correct and business-like.The LOOK of the document must be excellent.

3.Here is what you MUSTavoid:wordiness(I think,I feel,I believe,In my opinion,etc,etc,UGH!!!);easy spelling,grammar,capitalization,and punctuation errors.

I expect your writing to be better than it was when you began the class.The best way to guarantee this is by PROOF-READING YOUR MEMO BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT!

This will be the last thing I read before issuing your grade. Impress me with your writing and SHOW me you have learned what I said on day #1 - HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, WRITE IT WELL, and MAKE IT LOOK GOOD!

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