General response guidelines: PROMPT: Students choose their own claim (instructor must approve via Argument Proposal) and support it through one of the argumentation models.1,500-2,000 words (5-7 pgs)

Violence Video games for long period of time harms kids brains. in fact addicted children are not controlled and not aware about the consequences and the obsession over the brutal video games that may cause sleep disorders, nick pain and harm the limbic system which is the part in brain that express emotions which will lead enmity and disgrace of a child.

I truly believe that violence video games must be banned for kids under fourteen years old because it create a psychopath mentality in kids brains that will lead them becoming desensitized to violence also depression, anxiety and weak eyesight. By showing information from database and scientific blogs I will prove that violence video games for young children is dangerous and try to help people understand the real consequences of this type of games and educate them on how to deal with addicted kids. These sources will describe evidences to support my claim

I will use the Toulmin method. This classical method is a way of doing detailed analysis. it will break the argument down into six component parts. I will first start with claim which is my main argument, then I will explain my main argument. After, I will provide enough evidence to support and understand my topic clearly, then I will work on the warrant and try to connect the grounds and claim clearly