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General response guidelines: PROMPT: Students choose their own claim (instructor must approve via Argument Proposal) and support it through one of the argumentation models.1,500-2,000 words (5-7 pgs)
General response guidelines:
- PROMPT: Students choose their own claim (instructor must approve via Argument Proposal) and support it through one of the argumentation models.
- 1,500-2,000 words (5-7 pgs)
- MLA layout and guidelines
- A variety of citation methods (quotation, block quoting, summary, paraphrase, image)
- Works Cited page (7 works included) - These may or may not be the same from your Annotated Bibliography. As students research, they typically add and drop different sources.
the topic is how violence video games affect kids
sources needs to be from HCC library
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- 966 orders completed
Tutor has posted answer for $40.00. See answer's preview
******* nameProfessor nameCourseDateViolence Video ************* ***** ***** *** **** period ** **** harms ***** ****** ** **** ******** ******** are not controlled *** not ***** ***** the consequences *** *** obsession over the brutal ***** ***** **** *** ***** ***** disorders **** **** *** **** *** limbic system which ** *** **** ** brain that express ******** which **** lead ****** *** ******** of * ****** ***** believe that ******** ***** ***** **** ** ****** *** **** under fourteen ***** *** ******* ** creates * ********** ********* ** **** ****** that **** lead **** becoming ************ ** ******** **** ********** anxiety and **** ******** ** showing information **** ******** *** scientific blogs * will ***** **** violence video games *** young children ** dangerous and *** ** **** people ********** *** **** ************ of **** **** ** games *** educate **** ** *** to **** **** ******** kids ***** ******* **** ******** ********* to support ** ****** will *** the ******* ****** This ********* ****** ** a *** ** ***** ******** ******** it will ***** *** argument down **** *** ********* ***** I **** ***** start **** ***** which ** ** main ******** **** * **** ******* ** main ******** ***** * **** ******* ****** evidence ** ******* *** ********** ** ***** clearly then * **** **** ** the ******* and *** ** ******* the ******* *** ***** clearlyMore **** *** ** *********** *** kids ** *** ****** ****** ****** in ***** ***** and **** **** *** ** ***** ***** **** *** ************* ******* *** **** ********* violence ****** ***** ***** make **** ****** or ************** ****** ******* healthlinecom ******* ** Nov2020) ********* ** the content ** *** ***** **** ******* **** ** take it **** *** real life ******* **** shown **** ***** which carry violence *** ***** *** ****** ** be more aggressive and with *********** tendency ******* ******** in ********* situations Director ** the ****** for *** ***** for *** ***** of violence ** the Iowa state university ***** ******** ******* **** ***** ********** found ****** **** ******* ***** *** *** **** ** ** **** ************** and aggressive ********* **** ************** Dr ***** * ***** 232002 wwwpsychologyiastateedu ******* ** *** ******* ********* ******* **** **** kids ** ******* ******* Craig and his **** *********** the **** * ***** **** a ****** of *** years ***** their ***** **** ****** **** **** ******* *** use questions ** monitor ***** change ** ********* and reaction *** ******* ******* stimuli *** ******** ***** ** aggressiveness ** **** ** ******* ******** *** ********* ***** ******** * **** time as the **** ****** *** ***** better **** of ********* conflicts ***** than ******** ************ *** kids who ***** **** ***** ** violent ***** games per **** had ********* aggressiveness *** **** ******* ******** to those *** had ***** **** playing the **** ***** *** ********* if they were fine with ******** their fellow classmate if **** ****** **** ********* ***** about **** ** instance ***** kids *** **** ********** of ****** *** **** **** *** extremely high ****** on ******** ** ********* with ********* ** ****** tendencies ** ********** with ************** **** ******** **** ************ ***** ****** had *** ********** ** hitting someone **** *** not **** **** *********** of ******** exposed ** ******** ***** have ***** **** **** *** ****** **** ** ******** and tend ** be **** ********** ******* ******** *** ***** **** ********* ** ********** ** learning ******** *** *** ***** *** ********* ** ******* ***** **** **** ***** ** **** ** that ***** violence ******** ** ******** *** **** ** perceive the ***** **** a **** ********** ***** It ******* **** gravity **** ********** ******** ** these **** ** ******* ***** games *** **** aggression ** increasing ********** thoughts ************* *** ********* neuroscience perspectives ***** ** **** ****** learn **** **** *************** university researchers *** a research on *** *********** ******* playing ******* ***** **** a **** ****** ** **** and change ** *** ***** ******* associated **** cognitive ******** *** ********* ******* **** comes with it **** by * ********* ** ********* *** Imaging sciences department **** **** ** ******** **** *** ******** ***** regions are ** ****** of emotion and ********** behaviour **** ******* video games alter ***** ******** ** ***** ****** ******* ********** news ************************ 17 ******** Observed underneath ********** magnetic ********* imaging analysis ***** *** ***** of ****** *** ****** ******** **** ********** in the **** ******** ******* **** *** ******** ********* ****** ***** on *** ******** Stroop tasks ********* ** ***** ******** ******* ** **** comments that ******** ***** ****** *** have long-term ****** ***** ****** ******* *** **** these ******* *** turn **** ********** *********** **** longer ******* ** ****** *********** ***** games ***** ***** ******** in young ****** ******* University **** *********************** ** *** *********** ***** ****** ****** ******* *** ** **** ***** affect its ****** *********** This ** more serious **** addictions ********** ** *** *** *** *** is ******* ********* **** depression anxiety ** ***** mental ******** Gaming *** result **** low self-esteem *********** ****** ********** *** ******** a preference ** **** alone *** * **** ** ****** *********** Excess ****** ***** ** ************ ****** brain ******* ** *** ** the ******* *** ***** ****** is fascinating ******** the **************** ******** ** *** ***** ********* *** feeling ** pleasure ** *** ******* acumens Over **** *** ***** gets **** ** **** **** ******* ****** ** **** ********* on ******** **** ** *** ***** of ********* *** ***** **** *** *** you to ***** anything **** is *** ** stimulating ** *** game This ** *** ****** kids experience when ******* ***** ******* *** ******** when ** ********** ******** ******** **** ** fear ** ***** our ******** ******* active ******** ** an ******** **** as ** creates ********** to ****** *** ******** ** our brain ******** ***** **** ******* video ***** ***** **** *** ******** **** ** is active **** is **** ******* **** ******** ***** *** ******** and **** *** **** ** *********** This ** * case ***** ******* *** trouble *********** ***** internal emotional ***** **** ** a *** ** ** hooked up ** *** ***** his ** her *********** gets ********* ***** ***** it so ********* **** *** *** kid ** **** video gaming Failure *** ******** ** **** *********** with *** *********** **** ***** **** *** *** will *** learn **** *** ******* experiences ** his ** *** **** **** as *** doing **** ** ********** *** adolescents *** become ****** involved **** videogames **** to **** **** ***** and ***** ******** ***** ***** before ******* ****** **** of ***** ***** ** one the ********* ** ***** existence ********** ****** *** *** **** ******* **** ****** ********** ***** ********** *** *********** ** any ******** *********** **** **** **** ****** ** *********** ****** sleep **** *********** ** ***** *********** ****** ***** ******* the quality ** ********** ************* ** ****** *** studies published ** the journal ********** ****** **** **** who play video ***** spent **** **** in **** restorative ***** **** **** ********** ******* ************* **** are biologically programmed ** **** ** **** ** **** *** ********* ******* games ** ***** ***** **** stay ** **** ***** deprivation *** lead to ********* ***** damage *** ** *** ********* *************** **** ****** ** ******* ** * ********* state ** ******* occasions *********** changes ****** This *** **** ** ****** ****** ********* and ************** ***** eyes ** *** screen ********* ** * ********* issue ***** kids who *** ****** *** **** ***** ** * ****** is ** **** ********* compared to surface **** like a textbook *** ******* ****** due to *** ********** ****** ** *** ***** in focusing **** ****** ******** *** *** ******* to ***** to focus ** ***** ******** **** ***** *** ****** ** ********** video ***** ********** those with ******** *** ** a great ************ ***** ** ****** ******** the ******* ******* ** the ***** ********** Video addiction *** **** ** ****** *********** ** ***** **** mind relationships ************ *** ***** ** **** ** ****** ****** *** ******* ***** game ** *** ***** of *** ***** It ** ***** ** **** **** ***** ****** ** not **** ** *** **** ******* effects arise **** ********* *** overuse *********** Ferguson insists that there ** *** tangible evidence to ******* *** claim violent ***** ****** causes more ************** He says for ******** that the ********** ** ***** ***** has *** **** ********* ** *** increase ** violent ****** ***** ***** population which ** **** likely ** ****** gaming ******** ***** *** **** decrease of ******** among *********** despite *** increase ** ******* ***** ***** ***** **** ** ****** States ********* ********** **** **** violence ***** ****** ** ******* aggressiveness fail ** ********* ***** ******* **** as abuse family fights *** ****** ******* which *** **** ********** ** aggression (“Chris Ferguson *** *** myth of video **** violence” Stetson ********** ***** stetsoneduvisited ** ************* not all ******* ***** gamers *** ***** ** engage ** violent ****** **** ************ had *********** ****** **** ** psychosis ********** *** ***** Actually **** ******** video ***** *** natural teachers Work ************* ***** *** ********* ****** ****** ** ProConorg **** ***** ********* https://libaccesshccsedu/login?url=https://searchcredoreferencecom/content/entry/procon/video_games_and_violence/0?institutionId=1798 ******** ** Nov ********** ****** * ******* ** ******** *** ***** Games Harmful?" **** **** Issues ********** https://explore-proquest-comlibaccesshccsedu/sirsissuesresearcher/document/2260152062?accountid=7036Snider Mike ****** ******** Link ******* Violent ***** ***** *** Physical" *** ***** ******** ** *** **** **** Issues ********** ************************************************************************************************************ ***** GAMES ****** ***** ******** ** ******** AND ******** ********** ******** UNIVERSITY ** ******** ***** ****** ** *** **** *** ** **** ********* ************************************************************************************************************************************** ******** November 18 202000&context=1516831 Accessed November ** ********* Evidence ***** ***** *** ******* Aggression in ***** ****** Pharma ******** : Policies ******* * **** Wednesday ************************************************************************************************************************************** ******** November ** ****** **** Kanojia “10 ******** effects of ***** ******** wwwhealthgamergg ****** **** ******* 20Nov2020Lindsey **************** ** **** ******** **** ***** games ***** ** ****** ******** violent” wwwbusinessinsidercom edited *************** 18nov2020violent ***** ***** ***** brain ******** in ***** ****** ** news ************************ ** *************** ******** *** *** **** ** ***** **** *********** ******* ********************** ** ************ video ***** **** **** saints ** ************** ****** ******************** ******* ** *** 2018 ******* ** *************** **** suggestions” ** ***** * Anderson ***** 232002 *********************** ******* ** *** ****