Course :Digital Marketing Strategy. Mid-Term Exam Note from Student : Please do it well. I need a well-written answer. I have less grade in this subject. Instructions Your objective is to write a sem

Mid Term

Manish Kumar Reddy (1814632)

University Canada West

MRKT 623: Digital Marketing Strategy

Submitted: Dr. Salvador Trevino

August 30, 2020


Theoretical Support:-

For creating a successful digital marketing campaign, it must be incorporated with robust planning and implementation strategy. These components are both vital and essential, and they also play a decisive role in deciding the outcome of the campaign. Developing a strong strategy will help a marketing campaign to reach the target audience effectively. Different channels of marketing are used according to required variables and specifications which are suitable for the campaign. For a marketing message to reach effectively, we need to determine the right content and identify the right audience for the product. A marketing campaign will be successful only when the right content reaches the audience, and this will create demand for the product

Conscientious planning of digital marketing campaigns is pivotal, for it is a success. While planning a campaign, a marketer should be careful to include all the required strategies into it along with incorporating the suitable content which is developed based on the identified target audience. In a planning strategy, one must include the goals that are proposed and budget proposed and the value of the product in the market. A marketer should be careful to include product variation from its competitors. For analyzing whether a campaign is successful or not, a marketer should adopt an analytical tool. Adopting analytical platform will help the marketer to assess how the successful the campaign can reach the audience and how leads for the product are generated and trends of the market and a content creator using these tools can also assess the content of their competitors and make the necessary changes to their own (Dodson, 2016).

While developing and executing digital marketing strategy, a marketer must know and identify what is the “sweet spot” is and concentrate on teaching it in their strategy. To place a company or a product sweet spot, a marketer should know who the target audience for the product is, and it also essential what they are expecting from the product. After a marketer has identified the target audience, they should create the right content, which will include the benefits that are provided to the customer and what kind promises are made to the customers. Once the target audience and right are developed, the marketer will need to provide this expertise to the identified customer base and satisfy their needs. In digital marketing, there can be more than one sweet spot. If we identify the correct target audience and create a content which is suitable to campaign along with these variable, a perfect execution will be the ideal sweet spot for the marketer. Effective implementation of this concept will help the marketer to create new sales to the product and improve the existing demand.

In a digital marketing strategy, a marketer will create a strategy that in line with the product and then start planning on how to implement these strategies to reach the audience, but the other aspect of developing a successful marketing strategy is to create compelling content and help the marketer to get the audience. Hence, it essential both off-page and on-page of the product are well developed. When we design a web page, the content of the page must be targeting audiences who are interested in the product, and we can deliver our promises to them regarding the product. The on-page that is created by the marketer should also be user-friendly so that the customers can easily access and analyze the content. While designing an on-page content based on the identified group, the marketer should all take extra precautions to link them with keywords that yield results to the customer and creating accessible URLs that used them to find the page, by linking all technical aspect of on-page to the content designed help the marketer to monitor and implement the campaign and attract customer effectively. Now that on-page connected with the content, it is equally important that the off-page design is also in conjunction with it, for doing this a marketer should use effective social media and promotional platform and link them with on-page content. The content should be the same at all connected promotional platform. By using this strategy, a marketer can effectively promote himself and also create a lead for the products.


For creating a successful marketing campaign, a marketer should Identify the right target audience, make the right content to market, and above all, must develop execution strategies that can help channel these ideas. For providing a better understanding of the concept of a sweet spot, I would like to use the example of southwest airlines, which are considered as one of the cheapest and reliable airlines in the USA and currently occupies 16.5 % of the total market share. Southwest has identified its core audience who are mostly mid-income flyers and have developed content based on target group identified the companies had designed it on-page to provide services to a user-friendly customer manner and airlines on-page also offered information about rewards point scheme to it free frequent flyers so that they can use these point their future travelers. The content on-page, along with other activities like promotion on ticket sales, has provided an advantage to southwest airlines over its competitors. The significant aspect of identifying the sweet spot of a southwest marketing company is the way it executes the company southwest uses a continuous redeem point system to engage it customer and frequent flyers, and this provides them with the message that they are cheap and affordable able also help to continue traveling again. Southwest toward its off-page contribution has used various keywords in its content, such as “cheap” and “affordable” so that the SEO will help the customer identify the product quickly. The success behind the southwest campaign can be created to its identifying of the target audience and its successful execution of the concept in the market to outsmart its competitor (Cramer, 2020).


The sweet spot is a critical aspect of digital marketing as it acts as the soul and center for a digital marketing campaign. Any campaign that is developed with no content or a particular target audience can be successful. All three elements of sweet spot formula are essential in creating a successful campaign if the marketer ignores or misinterpreted any of these. Its campaign may not be successful in reaching the audience. While developing digital marketing planning a campaign, a marketer should adopt the fact that thinking like a customer will help marketers. At the same time, identify the target group, and then he can also understand the uses and essentialness of the product to the audience (Conlon, 2015). Now that marketer has been able to identify the target audience, he can think about what content they are looking for and develop the content accordingly, and finally, he can also think about the best channel for its execution from an audience point of view. So it is vitally important that along with using the element of the sweet spot, a marketer should take the position of the audience to analyze the product in the market (Conlon, 2015).


Theoretical Support

The modern internet marketing strategy uses both search engine optimization and searches engine marketing as a tool of tactics to attract customers to their web pages.

In Search engine optimization, a website is organically or naturally listed based on the traffic it has received from the viewers and ranking of the website on the search engine page. Search engine optimization adopts an organic search strategy. SEO is used to enhance the website performance based on the aspect such as keywords and content developed to attract the audience. The search results page ranking of the webpage can be improved by using Search engine optimization. The seo enhances performances of the webpage. Search engine optimization techniques can be typically divided into on-page search engine optimization, off-page search engine optimization, and technical search engine optimization. If a marketer is using specific keywords or content to attract customers, then such a technique can be called on-page Search engine optimization technique. In technical search engine optimization, a marketer will make necessary changes to the metadata, structure, and user-interface of the webpage. This technique is used to improve the search ranking of the website. The last technique that is used by the marketer is off-page search engine optimization in this technique links are built between different pages and social media platform this done to improve the brand value and enhance it search ranking (Rende, 2020).

SEM is an internet marketing strategy in which a marketer gains user traffic through paid advertising and the emerging top of the search engine results list. In search engine marketing, a paid listing strategy is adopted. By opting to use the SEO marketer enhance the chance of the website appearing top of the list and attracting the audience to the product. Search engine marketing consists of two types of paid services the pay per click and social media marketing. Searching engine platforms like Google ads is one of the most prominently used paid service providers. While using a search engine, Marketing the marketer analysis, the keyword often used and develops a marketing campaign around the keyword identified which are relating to product or services provided. When conduct a search is conducted using these keywords, the search page list the product or service on top of the list as ads. If the marketer is using a pay-per-click service, then the will be charged based on user click attracted. In the case of Marketing, campaign advertisement play a crucial role. When a user uses the keywords set by the marketer the product and services will be displayed high on the search list and will increase the conversion rate.

The search engine marketing approach is also called as “smell nice for google.” One of largest source of seo is google,which has a market click share of 63%. If a marketer wants to reach maximum targeted audience percentage, then he must be able to attract as many as leads from the Google SEO. Google search platform uses algorithms that analyze the data content provided the results of new content and updated content first, so if the marketer continuously enhances and changes the content at a regular interval, then the search results of the product are ranked high on the page. The other important fact that marketer should consider is to develop relevant content and design the website a user-friendly by doing so he will be able to have more conversion from clicks, and it is also essential that the marketer creates all the legal content. To conclude, if you want google platform to rank you high on the search, you should update your content regularly and also develop such content on both high quality and quantity.


Search engine marketing is part of search engine optimization and digital marketing strategy. Sem uses the paid search tactics, whereas the Seo uses an organic search tactic. Using Seo will help marketers to have significant results and also help to get high user traffic with no limitation. In search engine marketing, the marketer will have substantial effects alone they engage the paid services once the services are withdrawn the marketer will require to develop a new marketing campaign (Chris, n.d.).

In the world of internet marketing, both SEO and SME play a crucial role. If we analyze the click-through ratio, 30 % of the total CTR is generated through the paid listing, and the rest of the 70 %of CTR is generated through the organic listing. But these CTR are not always constant; they keep changing depending on the market condition. In the case of the organic listing, as the ranking of the website in search results decrease, the ctr of listing also keeps decreasing. If the marketer doesn’t change the content of the website, it will results in a low ranking in the search page, and this will result in a low conversion rate for the website (Dodson, 2016).


Chris, A. (n.d.). What is the Difference Between SEO and SEM? Retrieved from

Conlon, J. (2015, december 15). 3 Ways Brands Can Find Consumer Sweet Spots. Retrieved from

Cramer, A. (2020, august 30). Southwest Airlines Sweet Spots. Retrieved from

Dodson, I. (2016). The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns.

Rende, N. (2020, january 3). SEM: Tips, Benefits, & How It Relates to SEO. Retrieved from