TOPIC: Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom for Social Studies in an Elementary School  Goals and Standards o Describe three goals that you want to develop for your curriculum change plan. Expl


Curriculum Change Plan: Part 3 - Core Decisions

<Insert Your Name Here>

School of Education, Liberty University

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<Insert Your Name Here>

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Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to <Insert Your Name Here>

Email: <Insert Your LU Email>

Goals and Standards

[Remove this text in brackets from your final submission. Describe three goals that you want to develop for your curriculum change plan. Explain the theoretical basis for these goals. In particular, detail how your theoretical basis relates to your goals for your curriculum change plan. Describe a personal educational experience that is influencing your goals for your own curriculum change plan. Identify the state or national standards that you will use in your curriculum change plan. Explain why these standards are appropriate for your curriculum change plan. For example, how do they address student or societal needs?]

Organization Plan

[Remove this text in brackets from your final submission. Describe the organization plan for your curriculum change plan. In particular, define and explain the term that describes your organization plan, such as whether you will use backwards design, universal design, etc. Justify how this organization plan will help all of the identified stakeholders for your curriculum change plan.]

Evidence Plan

[Remove this text in brackets from your final submission. Explain and analyze the best evidence plan for your curriculum change plan. For example, discuss how will you conduct your evaluation, your needs assessment for students, your needs assessment for society, etc. Defend your rationale for this evidence plan. Also, detail how the evidence plan aligns with the goals that you mentioned in this assignment.]

[Remove this text in brackets from your final submission. The entire assignment should be a maximum of six pages long, not including the title page or references section. Use complete, error-free sentences. Use at least six scholarly resources to support the claims. Use at least two in-text citations from the textbook. Use at least one Bible verse to support your claims. Cite and attribute all information correctly in all needed locations. Use correct APA formatting for the entire assignment, including all in-text citations and references. Check the Curriculum Change Plan: Part 3 - Core Decisions Grading Rubric. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.]


[Remove this text in brackets before your final submission. Only include references that you cited within the assignment. Refer back to the APA information in the course to check formatting. Make sure all references utilize a hanging indent.]