
Ques 29.

B. A rhombus has diagonals which are unequal but a square has diagonals which are equal.


B. 14 tan60

Ques 31:

D. 20 inches

Ques 32:

C. The length of NO is equal to 4 cm.

Ques 33:

B. 14 cosec 68


A. Q(2, 5) and R(10, 5)


B. It has all angles measuring 60°

Ques 36:

C. Both have mutually bisecting diagonals

Ques 37.

C. x=30

Ques 38 :

D. 5 sin 38

Ques 39:

B.  A parallelogram has opposite sides congruent and a kite has adjacent sides congruent

Ques 40.

D. The perpendicular bisector of segment ML

Ques 41:

B. 12.7 feet

Ques 42.:

A. 280 sec50

Ques 43:

D. x=3

Ques 44:

C. 6 cm

Ques 45:

A. There is only one segment labeled PQ along which they intersect

Ques 46:

B. Plot both the points on the arc