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Question 29 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(5.01 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.3.1>

Which statement best compares a square and a rhombus?

 A rhombus has all angles equal to 90° but a square has opposite angles equal.

 A rhombus has diagonals which are unequal but a square has diagonals which are equal.

 A rhombus has equal diagonals but a square has unequal diagonals.

 A rhombus has non perpendicular diagonals but a square has perpendicular diagonal.

Question 30 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.02 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.t.2.1>

A lamp post, CAB, bent at point A after a storm. The tip of the lamp post touched the ground at point C, as shown below. 

What is the height, in feet, of the portion AB of the lamp post?

 14 tan 60°

 14 cos 60°

Question 31 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.04 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.5.3>

Look at the figure.

What is the length of segment KM?

 14.1 inches

 17.3 inches

 10 inches

 20 inches

Question 32 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(3.02 LC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.4>

The figure below shows triangle MNO congruent to triangle PQR.

Which of the following is correct? 

 The length of MN is equal to 3 cm.

 The length of NO is equal to 3 cm.

 The length of NO is equal to 4 cm.

 The length of MN is equal to 4 cm.

Question 33 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.03 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.t.2.1>

The picture shows a box sliding down a ramp.

What is the distance, in feet, that the box has to travel to move from point A to point C?

 14 sin 68°

 14 cosec 68°

Question 34 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(5.05 HC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.3.3>

A quadrilateral KLMN is drawn on a coordinate grid as shown below.

Troy will draw a quadrilateral PQRS similar to quadrilateral KLMN. The length of PQ should be 10 and P should be located at point (2, -5) . At which points will vertices Q and R be located?

 Q(2, 5) and R(10, 5)

 Q(11, 12) and R(15, 12)

 Q(2, -5) and R(14, 5)

 Q(5, 2) and R(5, -10)

Question 35 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(2.01 LC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.1>

Which statement is true for an equilateral triangle?

 It has exactly two sides of the same length.

 It has all angles measuring 60°.

 It has one angle measuring 90°.

 It has all three sides of different lengths.

Question 36 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(5.03 LC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.3.2>

Which statement is true about a rhombus and a rectangle?

 Both have four right angles.

 Both have exactly one pair of sides parallel.

 Both have mutually bisecting diagonals.

 Both have diagonals forming right angles.

Question 37 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(1.04 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.1.3>

Look at the figure.

What is the value of x?





Question 38 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.02 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.t.2.1>

The figure shows a triangular piece of cloth.

What is the length of the portion BC of the cloth?

 5 cos 38°

 5 sin 38°

Question 39 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(5.02 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.3.1>

Which statement is true about a parallelogram and a kite?

 A parallelogram and a kite have opposite pairs of sides parallel

 A parallelogram has opposite sides congruent and a kite has adjacent sides congruent.

 A parallelogram and a kite have adjacent sides that are congruent.

 A parallelogram has exactly one pair of parallel opposite sides and a kite has no parallel sides.

Question 40 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(2.05 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.2>

Look at the triangle KLM with O as its circumcenter.

Which line segment will pass through point O in the triangle KLM?

 The perpendicular drawn from angle M on segment KL.

 The line segment bisecting angle KML.

 The line segment from angle K that is perpendicular to segment ML. 

 The perpendicular bisector of segment ML.

Question 41 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.04 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.5.3>

The picture shows a portion of an irrigation system for a farm. LM is the main water pipe. 

What is the length of the main water pipe LM?

 19.1 feet 

 12.7 feet

 5.5 feet

 6.4 feet

Question 42 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(4.03 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.t.2.1>

The height of a cell phone tower, AB, is 280 feet. 

What is the distance, in feet, between the tip of the tower A and a point C on the ground?

 280 sec 50°

 280 sin 50°

Question 43 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(3.02 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.4>

The two triangles shown below are congruent.

What is the value of x?





Question 44 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(3.04 LC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.5>

Look at the triangle shown below.

What is the length of the segment PD?

 10 cm

 4 cm

 6 cm

 12 cm

Question 45 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(1.01 HC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.8.1>

Look at the planes ABCD and EFGH shown below.

Which statement is true about the two planes?

 There is only one segment labeled PQ along which they intersect.

 They intersect at exactly two fixed points.

 There are two segments along which they intersect.

 They intersect at a single point.

Question 46 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(2.02 MC) <object:standard:ma.912.g.4.1>

As part of constructing an isosceles triangle, Gail drew a line segment and plotted one vertex of the triangle on the line segment. With this vertex as the center, Gail drew an arc to create a 180 degree angle. How can Gail ensure that the two other points she plots will be the remaining two vertices of an isosceles triangle?

 Construct a perpendicular line and plot one point on the perpendicular line and the other inside the arc.

 Plot both the points on the arc.

 Plot both the points on the line segment.

 Plot one point on the arc and the other beyond the arc.

Answer Submitted by SW_wizard on Mon, 2013-06-24 15:08teacher rated 70 times 5price: $0.00 Geometry Solutions - 100% correct

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