communication audit


Not Satisfactory
0 points

1.5 points

1.7143 points

2.14286 points

Introduction - Description of a Communication Audit

No description provided.

Description is missing important elements. 

All required elements addressed in the description.

Clearly and succinctly presents the purpose of the communication audit and the intent of the survey used to identify organizational communication patterns (e.g. to increase organizational effectiveness or as a result of a performance gap).

Introduction - Description of Organization

No description is provided. 

Description is missing important elements.  

All required elements addressed in the description.

Presented a detailed description of the department of the organization surveyed, including the purpose, number of employees, internal and external customers.

Research Methodology - Description of Administration

No description  is provided.

Description is missing important elements. 

All required elements addressed in the description.

Presented a detailed description of how and when the survey was administered (i.e. time and date, length of time for all surveys to be completed, facilitated or not facilitated, directions, survey format)

Research Methodology - Description of Survey Respondents

No description provided.

Description is missing important elements. 

All required elements addressed in the description.

Presented appropriate demographics to describe survey respondents (i.e. position titles, full-time/part-time, managerial/support)  

Data Analysis -Survey Administration - sample size

Presented a sample size of less than 3 respondents. 

Presented a sample size of 4-5

Presented a sample size of 6-8 respondents.  

Presented a sample size of more than 8 respondents.

Data Analysis -Charts, Graphs and Tables

No tables, charts, graphs were presented.

Tables, Charts, Graphs are missing important elements to clearly and accurately represent the data.

All required elements accurately represent and clearly highlight data trends/findings.

Charts, graphs and tables presented accurate information (i.e. agrees with the frequency distributions in the appendix).  All figures are labeled correctly using APA format and  are appropriate format to accurately represent the data.  Data labels and legends are clearly presented with no errors.  Title and Y/X axis labels are correct, as appropriate.

Data Analysis - Quality

No quantitative analysis of survey data is presented.

The analysis is missing important elements to clearly and accurately represent the data/information.

All required elements accurately represent and clearly present analysis.

Clearly and accurately summarizes the results presenting a quantitative analysis.  Comprehensively addresses weaknesses and strengths.  Highlights questions low response questions or inconclusive results.  Ethnically presents information.

Identification of Communication Challenges

No communication challenges are presented one communication challenges are not supported by the quantitative analysis

Communication Challenges are missing important elements to clearly and accurately represent the data/information. 

All required elements accurately represent and clearly present evidence-supported findings

Clearly presents well-supported/documented communication challenges related to the survey data collected. Three or more challenges are presented.  Each communication challenged is supported by quantitative analysis and findings.  Communication challenges are ethically presented based on survey findings with an sufficient sample size.


No description provided.

Description is missing important elements. 

All required elements addressed in the description. 

Presents specific and appropriate solutions.  The feasibility and priority of solutions is discussed.  Appropriate facts and details are presented.


One or Zero solutions were submitted.

Presented two solutions.

Presented three solutions.

Presented three or more innovative solutions.

Summary - Use credible reasoning and evidence in communication.

Concepts and themes are not fully developed, presented in a cohesive manner or appropriately supported.  

Summary idea presentation is not cohesive.   At times the writing forces the reader to determine the author’s train of thought.

Concepts and ideas are developed and supported with credible sources.   

Concepts and ideas are fully developed and supported with credible sources. Reader can easily follow the author's logic and reasoning.

Summary - Accurate use of resources

Insufficient use of appropriate research, supporting evidence, and relevant sources.  

Insufficient use of appropriate research, supporting evidence, and relevant sources. Limited characteristics of essential information and resources presented. 

Incorporate sufficient use of appropriate research, supporting evidence, and relevant sources.  Does not describe all characteristics of essential information resources, including their limitations, and explains strategies for identifying and finding such resources. 

Incorporate sufficient use of appropriate research, supporting evidence, and relevant sources.  Describes characteristics of essential information resources, including their limitations, and explains strategies for identifying and finding such resources. 

Summary - APA Guidelines for in-text citations and References

Inconsistent or missing in-text citations; fails to attribute an author’s word through APA citations.  

References are cited but incorrectly under APA style. The student has either used another format or incorrectly applied the APA style guidelines.

The majority of in-text citations and the reference are properly cited; formatting is inconsistent/inaccurate in a few cases.

The paper correctly cites in-text and lists three resources on the References page.  If additional sources are used, they are included correctly.

Summary - Writing Mechanics

Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over ten errors found.

Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over three errors found.

Adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. One to three errors found.

Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including, but not limited to capitalization and punctuation and spelling. No errors found. No jargon used.