Bad News Memo: Automated Kiosk

333 North Alma School Road, Phoienx, Arizona, 85202. (480-336-9654)

To: Chief Executive Officer

From: Fahad Ibrahim, Customer Service Manager

Subject: Customer Service Training

Date: October 20, 2016

Clarke (2006) stated that superb customer service acts as a way of ensuring repeat and referral customer. Sports Solution should dedicate its resources to creating a robust customer service department. I bring to your attention the need to have a top-down training methodology in the firm. The two customer service assistants are the supervisors and overseers the customer department. Investing in them is investing in the shoe department for they will in turn offer on the job training to the existing customer service department employees.

  • I would like to request for funding of their training that will occur in Chicago, IL from May 8-9, 2017. The workshop is organized by American Management Association and is titled “Customer Service Excellence: How to Win and Keep Customers.”

  • Attendenc for two people is $1,546.96. Airline tickets will be roughly $786.96. Hotel rooms 2nights will be $560.00, and miscellaneous for food and transportation will be $200.00. The total cost for this opportunity is 3,093.92. This price is a bargain for a long term benefits of giving quality customer services.

A top-down training methodology will earn the firm savings. Starting from the top ensures the company of that two customer service attendants have the most recent knowledge and skills that they can pass to other employees (Clarke, 2006). Secondly, customer service requires having the most recent knowledge of how to interact with the changing needs and preferences of their customers. Clients in the sportswear too choosy on the quality and the kind of material when it comes to purchases. The customer service personnel need to have adequate information on how to persuade customers that Sports Solution is offering the best products in the market (In Walther, 2002). The result will be increased in sales of the products the firm is selling and contentment in our services.

In short, there is need to finance the two customer service assistants to the AMA seminar to be held in Chicago as a way of boosting the service offered by the firm when they are provided on time training after the seminar has taken place.


Clarke, C. A., & Fox, S. P. (2006). Grant Proposal Makeover: Transform Your Request from No to Yes. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

In Walther, A., & In Stauber, B. (2002). Misleading trajectories: Integration policies for young adults in Europe?.