final paper


The Effects of Gender Inequalities in Urban Areas


Institution Affiliation

Gender inequality is the unfair and unequal treatment of persons or a person based on their sex. Women especially fall victims to gender stereotyping. Nevertheless, as of today, the number of people living in the urban areas has increased tremendously as people move into cities to look for new opportunities to better their lives. Almost all economic activities that determine the growth of an economy are controlled or happen in urban areas and cities. As the rate of urbanization increases, many opportunities arise for people, but on the other hand, it brings other negative issues like people being treated unequally and unjustly by others who feel that they are worth more than others in certain aspects (Khera & International Monetary 2006) Fund. Among the injustices that happen in urban areas is discrimination based on gender that impacts the society in different ways with the most affected being women and girls.

In working environments, for example, women and men are tasked to do the same duties, but women have to find the balance between work and family as the women end up taking all the basic responsibilities of the home including taking care of children. The contemporary society depicts a woman as a stay at home person and only wait to be provided by the man. As a result of women committing more hours than men in home activities, the women are underprivileged in their workplaces since the pressure at work demands that they should be available all the time. Significantly, they settle for mediocre jobs under the male (Yadav 2006).

Women are assumed to be the weaker gender in most areas including the urban areas. The security of women is therefore threatened by people who feel superior to them; especially men tend to take advantage of them. As a result, gender-based violence like rape and use of force against women have become rampant in urban societies today (Bandarin & Unesco 2014).

This study seeks to understand gender inequality and its relation to the urban world. The study also investigates the causes of gender inequalities in urban areas. In addition, it tries to find out the various forms of gender-based inequalities that affect the various genders living in urban cities. Moreover, the study would like to identify which gender is most affected by gender inequalities. , the study will find out the effects of the gender inequalities in the society and mostly to people living in urban areas

For the study to be successful, it needs to incorporate and try to answer certain questions regarding gender inequalities. The first question would be what is gender inequality in relation to urban cities? Another question that the study wants to find answers to is what the causes of gender inequalities in urban areas are? Also, the question, what are the various forms of gender inequalities that arise in urban areas will be important to the study. Other questions include, what gender is most affected by gender inequalities in urban areas? What are the effects of gender inequality on the society living in urban areas?


Bandarin, F., & Unesco. (2014). Gender equality: Heritage and creativity.

Khera, P., & International Monetary Fund. (2016). Macroeconomic impacts of gender inequality and informality in India.

Yadav, K. P. (2006). Gender equality and economic development. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.