Homework Assignment

Introduction to Factorial Analysis of Variance: Week 6 Introduction to Factorial Analysis of Variance: Week 6 Program Transcript DR. ANNIE PEZALLA: Are you noticing that many of the new statistical tests\ that you're learning, build upon concepts you were exposed to in previous coursework? This week we're covering factorial analysis of variance, whi\ ch builds on everything you learn from a simple one-way ANOVA. An ANOVA, If you recall, allows us to test the effect of one independent categorical vari\ able on a dependent variable.

Let's go back to the example of the statistics professor and his anxious\ students.

Let's say that professor wanted to test student levels of statistics anx\ iety across type of degree. For example, natural science versus social science. But \ what if you wanted to do more?

What if you wanted to test the effect of another independent variable, l\ ike gender in addition t o type of degree? Factorial ANOVA allows this comparison of means across the combinations of both factors, and looks for any interaction t\ hat occurs between them. Are there other names for factorial ANOVA?

Yes, they go by two-way ANOVA for testing the effect of two independent \ variables, three-way ANOVA for testing the effect of three independent v\ ariables, and so on and so on. Although, ANOVA's with more than three independent \ variables are rare, because interpreting results gets pretty complicated\ pretty fast.

The advantages of factorial ANOVA are clear. Could you imagine running a\ ll these independent samples t-tests? Not only would that be unwieldy, it will also introduce quite a bit of error. This week you'll be provided with plenty\ of opportunity to practice running these tests. You'll receive feedback fro\ m your class peers and your instructor, and you'll review an example of how fac\ torial ANOVA is applied in peer reviewed literature.

But first, I invite you to watch the demonstration by Doctor Jones as he walks through this research question-- what are the effects of gender and type of degree on student levels of statistics anxiety?

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