
Digital Thermometer & Barometer
Project Proposal

Prepared by: Jarvaris Miles

  1. Problem background and definition

This project exercise aims to digitize the measurement of ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure using electronics. The component to be built is a combined thermometer and barometer that will be able to measure temperature of the environment as well as atmospheric pressure (using temperature sensors) and display both measurements. The targeted users of this product are airplane operators, deep sea divers, mountain climbers and weather stations. The primary target of this product is the United States of America and the other countries.

  1. Existing Solutions

There are various existing solutions for temperature and barometer measuring devices. The product I am developing is to be cheap and is to be built using locally available materials. The available digital thermometers and barometer in the market include the fishers digital thermometer, Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer, Mobi Ultra Digital Thermometer, Gurin Infrared TS-110 Ear Thermometer, CPG2500 precision digital barometer, CPG2400 digital barometer and CPG2300 portable digital barometer just to mention a few. Cheap and locally available components will be used in the construction of the thermometer making it cheaper than the ones available in the market.

  1. Project Goal

The main goal of this project exercise is to build a digital thermometer and barometer using locally available electronic components and market it in the United States of America. The circuit is to be built using MULTISIM and the implemented on a breadboard.

  1. Proposed Solution

The significance of this project exercise is to build a portable digital thermometer and barometer combined. The digital device will display both temperature and atmospheric pressure. In the building of the digital thermometer and barometer combined, sensors will be installed to detect temperature and atmospheric pressure. The output voltage of the sensors are small and in the units of millivolts. An amplifier is necessary to raise this voltage into measurable levels. The amplified voltages are to be amplified again using amplifiers designed to output voltage in volts proportional to the temperature and pressure. The temperature and pressure will be displayed on a screen.

Advantages of this product include:

  • It will be cheaper than the other products available in the market

  • It will be portable

  • Easier to use as one will only need to power it

  • It will have no memory components hence no need for a refreshing mechanism

From the market research, customers need a product that is relatively cheap, portable, low power consumption and water-proof.

  1. Key Stakeholders

The key stake holder of this project is myself, my professor and other approving authorities.

  1. Assumptions and Constraints

It is assumed that the product will meet the design specification and all the required materials for its construction will be readily available.

The project constraints are the time required for the completion of the project, the cost of the project and the testing equipment and procedures.

  1. Impact Analysis
  • Organizational helps in understanding the importance of good leadership and the impact it can have in the whole company. I understand how to manage people and influence them in the right course

  • Networking standards is crucial in enhancing cooperation and good team work. Hence, the challenges which arise in an organization due to people wanting to work alone are resolved in the process of networking.

  • Security is important since it helps the employees feel safe while performing their duties and responsibilities. Poor production can result due to insecurity, a challenge that is solved through providing a conducive environment for employees to discharge their duties.

  • Ethical determines good or bad. Good ethics governs the behavior of the employees and other stake holders hence their output is presentable. Bad ethics messes everything and can cause a company to incur a huge loss.

  • It is important how the company socialize with the customers; the management should ensure they are doing everything to make them feel important. Failure to meet the customers’ social needs, the organization will lose them.

  • The organization should use the legal means when taking action against any individual or a group posing a threat that might lead to its breakdown. Failure to use the legal means might put the company at a disadvantage position in the future.

  • Economic of any country grows depending on the effort of the government to mobilize her citizens engage in activities which will generate income and earn them a solid livelihood for them. Failure of a good preparedness from the government will bring down the economy.

  • Every organization or industry should have the target market for the goods and services which it deals with. Otherwise, it will not be able to sustain itself in case there is no a target market.

  1. Risks

The risks that may be involved in this project are:

  • The project may not sell well due to marketing failing to reach the target population well

  • The project may be rendered obsolete in a few years due improvement in technology

  • The project is being designed and managed by myself and in the event I succumb to illness or even die, the project may not move forward.

  1. Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of this project is $300 which I will fund. This $300 will be used to purchase the electronic components for use in the fabrication.

  1. Estimated Duration

The estimated time for the completion of the product is duration eight weeks. During this period the product will be designed, fabricated and send to the market for sale.


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Digital thermometer-project proposal