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Assignment 7

Risk Factors and Gantt Charts

Question 1: Project Risk factors

  • List the major risk factors for your project and the possible ways to mitigate this risks for your project.

Question 2: Resource Evaluation

  • Produce and complete a Gantt Chart using MS Project software.

  • Using the Table below enter the information into MS Project software. Assume that each resource has been assigned to the project activity on a full-time (8 hours /day or 40 hours per week) basis

Include a title page and adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed., 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.

Assignment 8

Tunnel Cost Comparisons

Question 1:

  1. Write a 1 - 2 page paper. In your paper discuss the following:

    1. Search the internet for the link to the Boston tunnel, “the Big Dig” or the “Channel Tunnel,” and London’s Millennium Dome. In spite of their poor cost performance, why do you think these projects were supported to their conclusion? What would it take to kill a high visibility project such as these?

    2. Provide a comparison of the projects, what extent were the cost overruns and how were the overruns handled by the authorities.

    3. Include a title page and adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed., 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers. Make sure to provide references.

Question 2:

Submit a document with the following documents compiled in one. Save it as “ET410 Final Report_GID.docx”. Remember that you will be submitting this in ET450.   

  • Project Proposal

  • Requirements Document and Systems Design Review Document

  • Final Schedule

  • Final Budget

  • Lessons Learned Document

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