please help me with these questions . It is managerial accounting
Business & Finance
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it is managerial accounting , please help me with these question
Business & Finance
I have a 10 5 weeks classes 150 per entire class, all work must be original.
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As this class draws to an end, you covered a vast amount of material pertaining to business law. From the classifications of law, contract formation, illegal agreements and various types of property,
Business & Finance
This module introduced you to the topic of Intellectual Property. With advances in technology, many people are resorting to downloading music, movies, and protected works of art without paying the app
Business & Finance
Throughout this module, you studied the topic of eminent domain, which is the power to take private property, without permission from the owner, for public use by a state, municipality or private pers
Business & Finance
Deliverable Length: 1,000-word (minimum) evaluation OBJECTIVES You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 5 - Su
Business & Finance
Week 2 Discussion BoardNo unread replies.No replies. What are some of the factors that cause organizations to redesign their products or services to increase productivity? Be sure to support your comm
Business & Finance
Week 1 Discussion Board Describe the operations function and the nature of the operations manager’s job. Be sure to support your comments with references from the literature and cite your sources usin
Business & Finance
Please answer all parts ASAP. Thank you! Please see attached.
Business & Finance
Please help with the attached question ASAP. Thank you for helping out!! Question: Given the following portfolio of options, forwards and zero-coupon bonds submit a payout diagram that illustrates the
Business & Finance
URGENT! - Please complete and show your work, thank you!
Business & Finance
Hello, how much do you charge per class?
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Urgent- please answer both parts, thank you!
Business & Finance
Urgent - please answer both parts of this practice problem, thank you!
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URGENT! - Please answer all parts of this practice problem so I can better prepare for my final tomorrow. Thank you so much! Please see attached.
Business & Finance
Financial Institutions assignment 8 1. Discuss ways in which financial investments are regulated and/or protected in the United States. 2. Explain the differences between underwritten off
Business & Finance
You have taken a management position in Ocean Cuisines plc that just went public last year. The company’s restaurants specialize in seafood dishes. A concern you had was that the restaurant business i
Business & Finance
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What Data Mining Approach should be used? *** Envision and describe one preferential approach to data mining, which is used as an enabling technology for business intelligence, such that organizing, s
Business & Finance
Please help, thank you! Please see attached.
Business & Finance
URGENT- please answer both parts. Thank you!
Business & Finance
Please show your work! Thank you :)
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Subsequent Measurement of Inventory FASB simplified the subsequent measurement of inventory for companies that do not use the LIFO or retail inventory methods as part of its simplification initiative
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Please show work, thank you!
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Please provide answers with explanations, thank you!
Business & Finance
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no plagiarism
Business & Finance
Please provide answers and explanations.
Business & Finance
our opinion, which is more important for opportunity discovery and realization…formalization or decentralization? Defend your answer.Based on your reading of the article, if you wanted to encourage en
Business & Finance
Justin Stone was an employee of DataCare Services, Inc. His salary was $45,000 through November 10, 2018, when he was laid off. Justin Stone was an employee of DataCare Services, Inc. His salary was $
Business & Finance
1)calculate the PW and AW of your 3 year cash flow using interest rate of 2% 2)calculate the ROR of your cash flow given reinvestment rate of 5% 3)how much savings you should have at the time of gradu
Business & Finance
Instructions For this assignment, read the case study, The 1920 Farrow's Bank failure: a case of managerial hubris. This case is Attached. Hollow, M. (2014). The 1920 farrow's bank failure: A case of
Business & Finance
Conduct industry research on a national and local level, and conduct local market research for your business. Analyze your data and draft for findings for your industry, market, and customer researc
Business & Finance
Review all materials in Chapter 52 and conduct research on the United States Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990). The full text of this case, a
Business & Finance
Introduction: Ethics in business is critical for trust, however, there are many grey areas of what is, and is not, ethical. The business world has always relied heavily on contractual agreements while
Business & Finance
Human capital is a company asset, but it’s not listed on the balance sheet. Human capital is all of the creative skills, knowledge, talents, and abilities that embody employees. Explain the unique ch
Business & Finance
A Powerpoint Presentation on: Euthanasia assisted Suicide. The powerpoint should include the following: 1. Chart and graph of countries that have legalized euthanasia assisted suicide (Chart should be
Business & Finance
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Option #1: Organizational Problem or Opportunity Organizational leaders make decisions every day that affect their organizations and employees. Making informed decisions is an imperative for leaders i
Business & Finance
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The Executive Summary acts as both an introduction to your research paper and a brief overview of its contents. The intent is to leave readers with a preliminary understanding of your research topic,
Business & Finance
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Sam Cook sells his landscaping business on the west side of Indianapolis, Indiana to Tim Smith. Sam’s business has customers within a 15 mile radius in every direction, and he has operated his busines
Business & Finance
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Deliverable Length: Evaluation: 1,000-word (min); Presentation: 5–7 slides, excluding Intro and Reference slides OBJECTIVES You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instruction
Business & Finance
Finance ratio analysis
Business & Finance
After your negotiation and transaction with Mr. Barker, you start to realize that this could be a lucrative business. Your mother has been bugging you for months to get rid of all of the other childre
Business & Finance
With all of your new found knowledge of Business Law, your community has called upon you to provide a presentation to educate your community about identity theft and ways to prevent it. For this week'
Business & Finance
Mistakes happen, often times with little to no consequences. Unfortunately in the world of contract law, mistakes can be rather costly. Depending on the type of mistake, the contract may or may not be
Business & Finance
Read the following case studies and answer the questions. Be sure to use the appropriate legal terminology that you learned this week. Case Study 1 Steve and Bill go out drinking. After Steve has had
Business & Finance
Last week you were introduced to the Course Project for this course. Now that the negotiations between you and Mr. Barker are done, you are tasked with the job of drafting the contract that will final
Business & Finance
A Powerpoint Presentation on: Euthanasia assisted Suicide. The powerpoint should include the following: 1. Chart and graph of countries that have legalized euthanasia assisted suicide (Chart should be
Business & Finance
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CASE QUESTIONS: a. Why is the subscription economy attractive for consumers? For companies? b. What are the driving forces in the economic model for movie exhibition? c. What is MoviePass’s business m
Business & Finance
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A Powerpoint Presentation on: Euthanasia assisted Suicide. The powerpoint should include the following: 1. Chart and graph of countries that have legalized euthanasia assisted suicide (Chart should be
Business & Finance
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A Powerpoint Presentation on: Euthanasia assisted Suicide. The powerpoint should include the following: 1. Chart and graph of countries that have legalized euthanasia assisted suicide (Chart should be
Business & Finance