Take the time to reflect on the significance of what was presented in the movie and what you've learned from this class. Things to consider: What was the main idea of the Movie? What lessons can be l
Critical Strategy Analysis – Summer 2020 English 1B Writing Assignment #4 For your final short paper you will once again focus on drama. While the thesis of your paper is again wide open in terms of s
Cite some facts about the seven major Mexican cartels and how they operate. What are at least three proposed solutions offered (p.408-410) for reducing the influence of the cartels? Finally, is it imp
Interpersonal Concept Analysis Assignment800-1000 words3 sectionsConcept:Choose a specific concept (one you didn’t know before you took the class)For example…Metamessages, the Perception process, conf
Discussion Board: Read the Sample Comparison Contrast Essays. Answer the following questions after reading both both essays: Summarize each essay Discuss how the authors compared and contrasted...wha
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Write your draft for the Comparison and Contrast Essay. Use the links below to help you collect your thoughts on this assignment. If the link does not work, copy and paste the link on the address bar:
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Discussion Questions For this discussion, complete the following steps: Make sure you have read the course content (including supplemental reading) for this lesson before starting this assignment. In
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Discussion Questions For this discussion, complete the following steps: Make sure you have read the course content (including supplemental reading) for this lesson before starting this assignment. In
ow do your purpose for writing and your audience influence the words you choose? Political speeches are persuasive writing at its height. They need to show information in a way that engages and convin
I. Choose ONE of the following topics and write a 250-word short answer. 1. In your own words explain the power of myth using examples of Fable, Poetry and Allegory. 2. Using examples from both Religi
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Question 1 Describe what "Managing Money" means to you? Question 2 What are some roadblocks/fears that you have to overcome in order to be able to transfer to a four-year university? What steps can yo
In one 500-word post, please respond to both of the following questions: How do this week's readings prompt us to expand how we discuss and imagine pleasure? What relationship does pleasure — from pa
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Analyze three Cinderella variants (485-504) in terms of one of the criteria listed on 484-485. As you format your Works Cited page, use #33, p. 411 of your handbook, from two or more works from the sa
c1-page letter of interest, explaining your community evolvement with the city that you live in? -Homeless advocacy for men and women and advocating on the state and local level.**Research the Residen
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Goal:The goal of this assignment is to research your topic, evaluate selected sources, and organize your sources.Description:During the Week 2 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and created y
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Reading Response "RACE" URGENT DEADLINE 4PM TODAY Please read the readings posted below. Then write a 200-400 response to the reading. Responses can consist of intelligent questions, disagreements wit
Topic question: How can the creation and disposal of medical waste be more sustainable? · Write a brief summary( Keep the summary brief--1-3 sentences)of the source and how it could be useful in your
In his Ted Talk, Seligman mentions the "3 happy lives." Briefly discuss these "3 happy lives," analyze how they connect to your own life, detail one specific way you can intervene to boost your happin
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Statement of Purpose: A brief description of why you want to participate in the internship program? and how it will add to your future career goals? (your answer must be written in English) A1: To gai
Review your notes from Chapter 2, the readings, and the video and think about the tensions* discussed and debated at the Constitutional Convention such as: Tension 1: how do you maintain majority rule
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chat0 tip 0 Home Funds Questions Bids Tips Help My profile Log out Persuasive Speech profile amor_carter09 2.8 (11) Chat Main TIPS Tips - Teacher View Management homework help Report Issue Directions
The final assignment is a Persuasive Speech of policy on a topic of your choice. You're striving for some attitudinal or behavioral audience changes. Keep in mind that small changes persuade, options
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This week, you will complete your annotated bibliography Find two appropriate non-scholarly sources using a search engine such as Google or Bing. Create APA references for the non-scholarly sources.
Analyze your performance in your last speech.Discuss three positive aspects,three ‘negative’ aspects and two ways you can improve in the future.(I WILL PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION) Requirements: 1)Must b
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Primary Task Response 400 words: The important part of networking is building relationships. Those relationships can lead to career advice and opportunities. There are many ways to network online and
double space 2 pages due 21th 23:30pm la timezone MLA Style Citation: Branch, John. "The Awakening of Colin Kaepernick." The New York Times, 7 September 2017, https://nyti.ms/2xedUYz MLA Style Citatio
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Answer 2 questions from chapter 9 and 2 questions from chapter 10 so the total will be 4 questions. It's your choice which questions to chose then RESPONSE TO 2 students ( I uploaded a file have 5 stu
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Assignment 1:(Thesis Statement due by July 23 evening, paper due by July 30 evening) For this assignment you are asked to engage one of the themes from this course (appropriation, race, gender, etc.)
For each full-length, International film that you screen in this class, you must write a paper and submit it through Turnitin. Your paper must conform to the following requirements: 1. The paper must
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Topic: Abortion (I do not agree with abortion. I want that point to be clear in the essay) APA format 6th edition no plagiarism That the information is taken from the virtual library of my school (at
Topic: Abortion (I do not agree with abortion. I want that point to be clear in the essay) that it is in APA format 6th edition no plagiarism That the information is taken from the virtual library of
Topic: Compare and contrast essay between reading books and watching movies.Introduction 5 sentences a. Hook: 1 sentence b. Background Information: 1-3 sentence c. Thesis Statement: 1 sentence; last s
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For those identified problems with many causes and effects, there are potentially many solutions, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The solutions may impact just one of the effect
NO PLAGIARISM 750 WORD COUNT 3 REFERENCES MINIMUM PLEASE CHECK GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION Warehousing and Material Handling Based on the chapters reading and the attached articles, in a 750 word paper, e
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Technology and HealthcareNO PLAGIARISM650 word count3 references MINIMUMCHECK GRAMMAR and punctuationRead the following article: 10 Biggest Technological Advancements for Healthcare in the Last Decade
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Romeo and Juliet: you know the plot, right? Juliet Capulet falls in love with Romeo Montague; too bad the Capulet and Montague families hate each other! Later in the play they secretly marry, and as i
Provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and be supported by 1 textbook citation, 1 outside a
Write a few sentences (about 100 words) integrating a quote from any of the articles that you will be using in your paper. Be sure to connect your quote to the rest of your sentences. You can do this
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Choose only ONE of the following options below and, in your post, write a paraphrase that avoids plagiarism of the paragraph you have chosen. Your paraphrase can be as long as the excerpt you have cho
You have Two prompts to write about. Check the rubricfor what is graded toinsure that your post is sufficient to get all possible points. You must have two initial posts.Initial PostsMUST have150word
Write an original response to the given prompt that is well-developed and supported with textual evidence. Explain how Faith in "Young Goodman Brown," Georgiana in "The Birthmark," and Elizabeth in "T
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1. What do you think about Lila Abu-Lughod’s idea of respect for difference as a substitute for cultural relativism? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?2. Based on the reading by Lori Gruen (posted
Find 3 credible websites that provide guidance about professional, business, or technical writing and then write 2 pages single spaced memo to your colleagues that : synthesizes the workplace writing
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In this assignment, you will write a short, 4-line poem about nature using Iambic Pentameter. Step 1 Watch the video: How to Write a Poem in Iambic Pentameter.(Links to an external site.) Step 2 Follo
**********This is a 2-part Assignment************Needs to be answered separately After reviewing the Romanticism and Nature video, and the textbook Chapter on Romanticism, complete the following assig
I have included a swot analysis as well as lecture notes as well previous discussion. The purpose of this week's discussion is to do a little online brainstorming for solutions, and share some person
respond to this 250 words and 2 apa citations: The Importance of Transfer In learning, the theory of transfer is extremely important. This process is when a student has the ability to apply learned ma
P2--Research Paper #2Time Era: c. 700s AD-c. 1550s AD Research Paper Requirements: A clearly stated thesis in the beginning of the paper, your 4-5 points clearly stated within. Analyze 4-5 significant
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Please read carefully Course Name: Critical Thinking Class This is ONE assignment but separated into 2 different parts. Both part 1 and part 2 has to be written on 2 different word documents!