Select a work from our text (either one that we have read or one we have not). Read it thoroughly. Then, either online through Google or Google Scholar, in the physical library, or on EGCC’s library d
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n Step 2 you learned how to find scholarly sources and the importance of developing an annotated bibliography. Now, referring to the notes you have taken on sources you may potentially cite in your pa
Read “How the Future Will Judge Us,” by Kwame Anthony Appiah, in our text, Read, Reason, Write. Reference Appiah, K. A. (2019). How the future will judge us. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Re
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Answer the following questions in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise thesis (1-2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, at least 1 dir
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information in the following format: DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.250 words with 2 references
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PLEASE MEET DEADLINE NO PLAGIARISM GRADE A WORK FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS Choose one topic from the following list: (I chose illegal immigratio) · Illegal Immigration Then, compose an essay (660 words
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Announcements We've been off to a great start so far! Just as a reminder to anyone that has not yet submitted a discussion post to the 1-3 discussion area in Mindedge, please do so by Thursday night.
PLEASE MEET DEADLINE NO PLAGIARISM FOLLOW “ALL” INSTRUCTIONS Select three (3) different mediums (i.e., film, radio, Internet). For each medium, provide the following: · Discuss how incivility has b
Watch the silent film "It" from 1927 after reading the article attached below . The video is available in full on YouTube. Take notes while you're watching, and consider Marsha Orgeron's main argumen
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For Touchstone 2 you will be writing an argumentative essay on a topic of your choice. The topic you choose must be debatable and you must take a clear stand on one side of the issue. Your topic must
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Write an essay responding to one of the quotes below: Tips: After reading the following prompts and choosing a passage to write about, take a few minutes to decide what you have to say and to plan ou
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Write a 2-page literary analysis of one of the short stories from the assigned readings for Module 02, explaining how the author used characteristics of modernist literature or dystopian elements to c
examine the different ways an author uses source materials to support claims. Begin by highlighting the signal phrases you find attached to borrowed ideas or direct quotations. Explain how well they i
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Interview a friend or family member about a recent holiday or celebration. Limit yourself to 10 questions that you write in advance, and don’t deviate from them. Record the answers. Then interview ano
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Find a print presentation you find effective. Study it carefully and define what aspects you find effective, and why, drawing on information from the textbook. Then find a print presentation you find
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Write a review of a recent movie you’ve seen. Experiment with punctuation as a way to create an effective style. Try using a series of questions to see if they add value, use exclamation points to see
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Choose one item from the following list that you understand well enough to evaluate. Develop several criteria of evaluation that you could defend to distinguish excellence from meritocracy in the area
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In her interview, Professor Julie Guthman discusses ways to “undermine existing food systems,” calling it “the harder work but the more important work.” Please answer all of the following: 1) What str
Chapter Eight: Strengths-and Evidence-Based Helping Strategies Harm Reduction is a central part of strength-based helping strategies. But there is much debate regarding harm reduction programs in thi
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Read the “Risk-Need-Responsivity Model for Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation 2007-06” article. Review the following scenario: · The client is a 32-year-old male who was released from incarcerati
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Length: 500 words, minimum Format: memo Submission: Submit to Canvas in .doc or .docx format. Name the file using your first and last name + the name of the assignment (e.g.: AllieGatorProfCom
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Alternative Assignment 2 Instructions (Non-Thesis Track Students) As a culminating project for this course, you will incorporate all previous work into a 15-slide PowerPoint professional development p
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What essay is supposed to be about Analyze one of these characters: Lucy Lurie, Melanie Isaacs or Petrus. Analyze not only the chosen character's personality, but also what roll they played in advanci
Listen to Blind Lemon Jefferson’s Matchbox Blues. Watch VideoBlind Lemon Jefferson - Match Box BluesDuration: (3:00) User: ianlee73 - Added: 4/25/10YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXC1jjR
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Subject: Choosing your literary essay topic on Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee is the first step to writing your literary analysis paper. After reading the novel, you should be able to decide in which direc
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nstructions: Read Explicating Poetry http://www.nku.edu/~rkdrury/poetryexplication.htmlPlease read ALL the poems listed below, choose one and explicate--Explications should include: Denotative (few
Please read all and explicate/post for 1 poem from this group in the Discussion Board.Poems that deal with Romantic Love:"Shall I compare Thee to a Summer's Day" (text--chapter 19--page 575 "You Fit
In this dropbox submit as an attachment: The Final Grant Proposal The final grant proposal should be one continuous document. Each section should be DETAILED and LABELED WITH THE APPROPRIATE HEADING.
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Assignment: Book used Jonathan Lunde, Following Jesus, the Servant King: A Biblical Theology of Covenantal Discipleship. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010 (ISBN-13: 978-0310286165)This topic requires you
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Instructions For this assignment, you will write a two-page essay, addressing the issues below: Explain how crime and mental illness are related from a legal standpoint. Find three court cases whi
1. Some would say that Phoebe’s project was doomed from the start, because of the nature of her goal. What might that mean, and do you agree? What might that mean, and do you agree? When making a poin
A non-linear film discussion on Pulp Fiction. Must be 200 words and tell why you think the director chose to use non-linear plot, why the film is better with a non-linear plot than it would have been
Over the past 40 years, politicians, policymakers and concerned community members have signed-up to take the Food Stamp Challenge—living for one week on an average food stamp budget-- to better unders
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Symbols of culture are called artifacts. Artifacts are the most visible and accessible level of culture. These include behaviors, stories, rituals (everyday practices that are repeated frequently), an
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Contrast the dynamics between dominant cultures and subcultures either in a work setting or in society. Explain why it is important to understand the impact of culture. Give an example where you demon
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As an entrepreneur, you want to start a business. You know that the first step is to consider drafting a business plan proposal to organize all of your ideas. For this assignment, you will submit a bu
Read below what Eliade and Strenski have to say about creation myths and cosmogony in general. Then give a response to each of the questions on the Answer Sheet. ONLY QUESTION 1 Only the Hindu part,
Hi for proftalent
I need help writing a essay for english. Here's the info Written Report. Students follow these guidelines: Length 4-6 pages (1000-1600 words) MLA formatting Works Cited page/Parenthetical citations
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In this discussion forum, tell your fellow learners about your grant proposal. Explain what you hope to accomplish and lessons you have learned from this process. Offer any helpful information and sha
Essay 3: Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE Who is your audience? Write your essay for a reader who is an educated adult who is not as familiar with the t
Summary of the Assignment: · Task: In this assignment, you will write a technical description for a non-specialized audience. You will explain to a non-technical audience how something works. You will
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Write a response to the following prompt -- based on your own experience with the applicable concept: Think about someone who is a very close or best friend. Describe the investments you and your frie
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Audience Analysis Memo This read-me of the assignment sheet is for your benefit. This read-me gives you an exact overview of what is expected for the major assignment for this unit. Effective communic
Your Discussion assignment this week begins with a bit of a treasure hunt in that you need to find a specific pdf journal article from the LTU Library website. Follows these instructions to find the
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ENG121 Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Expectations In this assignment, students will compose an essay that critically analyzes chosen text. As mentioned in class and in your textbook, the text you c
For the homework on instruments, students will write a report with a minimum of 300 words. This report requires that the student select his or her favorite instrument of the orchestra from the instrum
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Since one must recognize and understand the arguments of others before writing an argument, we will continue on the path established by Essay One. In this essay, you will be analyzing two arguments in
What is meant by the continuum of institutional long-term care? Discuss the clinical services delivered by residential/personal care facilities, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing facilit
~650-750 words/ MLA/ Work Cited *Use at least 1 source Introduction: Your audience is future students of Composition II, and your purpose is to prepare them for the work ahead of them. Share which wor