For the assignment on composers, please write a report with a minimum of 300 words about "Haydn". When writing the report, be sure you address the following questions:Why did you select this composer
Please submit a physical documentation that demonstrates that you did indeed attend this lecture (can be ticket, photo or other artifact). For full credit you are required to write a paragraph of te
Write the essay an MLA style,argumentative visual analysis of at least 750 words Which will include at one source quote inside the essay and cited in the works cited page.Describe,compare and interp
"To Cite or Not to Cite"Please respond to the following: Explain your agreement or disagreement with the decision to cite or not to cite explained in...
Assignment Content1. and complete the following steps:Complete a preliminary walk In Week Two, you created a systems thinking diagram that mapped the stock, inflows, outflows, and feedback loops of
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Ted Talk: Video: "Where does Creativity Hide?
**This should be in complete APA format and at least 400 words**A communication event analysis paper focuses on meaningful communication activity, describes it, and analyzes it using a relevant theory
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My topic is: Unfair income. For example, Rich people are getting richer. The poor are getting poorer. For example, In this society, wealthy people have the capital to make money with money. So
The material can be a little difficult and you will probably need to read through it more than once. The journals will be typed, double-spaced, 12-font papers detailing what the article was about, a
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Subject: Childhood EducationInstructionsPurpose: The purpose of the research proposal is to help you to understand your project, to gain direction and feedback on your project, and to establish a blue
Investigate and describe the artistic, commercial, and ethical considerations that inform censorship debates about potentially harmful entertainment media content. Students must apply their underst
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***ADD ONTO ATTACHED POWERPOINTRe-watch the movie from your Communication Practicum Project then select three 10 minute scenes (different from the previous week, where you looked at listening) and eva
Create an 6- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on crime and violence. Include the following in your presentation: List major sources of violence. Identify and describe types of cri
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Take a look at technical writing file and tips for writing file then read the assignment file to understand the requirements, after you finish write 3-4 pages about:First, provide a description of the
Answer the question below. Write a 6 - 7 pages essay using MLA format. You need to use quotes from the book/ provide evidences to support your essay .I would like you to explore Aschenbach’s love,
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In our reading this week, philosopher John Dewey argues for a reconsideration of traditional schooling in an effort to focus on the social...
Evaluation Title: Source ComparisonThis assignment will give you the opportunity to carefully explore two different resource types further your understanding of selecting the appropriate resource typ
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What is Skinner's criticism of what he refers to as the "literature of freedom"?
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COMPARISON-CONTRASTDirections: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response sho
As a learning team, brainstorm ways your team would use methods of inquiry across the K-12 content.Compile at least two ideas in each of the following grade spans: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.Create
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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Effective integrated theme studies require educators to evaluate and assess both students who participate in integrated theme studies and the actua
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Assignment Purpose:To gain a deeper understanding of the text reading and playlists this week, you will be watching a film from the list below and writing a short response. Many of the films are avail
Presentation slides about Coherence and Pragmatic truth theories+speaker notes (should be at least 12 min long)requirements: 1. Say what each are; 2. Give the pros and cons of accepting each of them,
Your task is to provide a 3 page critical analysis for the film “In the Heat of the Night.” Since this movie revolves around interactions between folks from different cultures, the key for this
Revision for MFS ThesisEyewitness Testimony: How Accurate is it?Just a few small revisions that were suggested by my Instructor before final review.Attached is my thesis and the feedback from my instr
Submit to your instructor a 250-word reflection response to the following question: Consider Faulkner's own words as you think about "A Rose for Emily." In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Faulkner
The following questions refer to Crazy Eddie. 1. How did Eddie Antar skim cash? 2. Eddie Anat. was the company owner, so why did he skim money from a...
Write a comparison-contrast essay discussing the differences between two famous historical figures.Focus on specific similarities and differences.
How does the relationship between Lennie and George compare with the relationship between Candy and his old dog?
How do inductive and deductive arguments differ? To what extent do you use logic in general conversation?
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what is a brief summary of the essay "Coming Home Again" by Chang-Rae Lee?
Anotmrk I was wondering if you wanted to help me with this assignment Chapter 1, Essentials for Sociology - Revel Access 11TH Part I: What are the
"Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey Do you think this is true of
Which of the following selections contains a fragment?
Revision of Literature Review and Introduction (see Attached draft for review)Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review revision assignment for Unit V. I
This semester we have studied many specific artistic ideas, styles, & periods as well as the broader cultural, social, & historical developments that involve visual art. Appraise one development, i
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Take a guided tour through some of the highlights of Florence with Rick Steves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-e40u3lS0Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Minimize Vi
The film "Fried Green Tomatoes" tells the story of Idgie and Ruth and features the saga of Evelyn through her daily visits to the Rest Home where the older Mrs.Threadgoode is companion to her Black ho
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Thanks in advance. Below are some sentences in Language X.
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Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your
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Goodbye to My Twinkie Days Style and Structure question Question: In paragraph 4, Nguyen discusses junk food. What do you think she means by this
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Journal: From Problem to Persuasion (GRADED)Now that you've spent some time writing down some potential problems for your project, it's time to narrow the focus. Reviewing your brainstorming activity,
why does odysseus say "The belly's a shameless dog, there's nothing worse.
Weekly Art Review - Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Strozzi & the Medici FamiliesStep 1: Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, altarpiece from the Strozzi family chapel, Santa Trinita, Flor
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Now our course has moved into the Renaissance, we have learned about how the Medici & other powerful families. This has also brought introduced distinct artistic ideas, styles as well as social & hi
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Step 1 – Brunelleschi, Old Sacristy, 1418-21, San Lorenzo & the Nave of San Lorenzo, c. 1421-69 & Benozzo Gozzoli, Procession of the Magi, c. 1459, fresco, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi ChapelStep 2 –
The definition of Theme is often abridged to "the main idea." However, Theme is more involved than that. Essentially, a theme is the author's message--what the author wants to tell his/her reade
Assignment: Read Chapters 2 and 3.Chapter 2: Bureaucracy and Democracy.The Constitution of the United States recognizes the existence of both federal as well as state governments. The federal governme
You will research the laws for the Oregon state you chose and report what you find on the following:Laws relating to who is responsible for when a minor (child under 18 years old) breaks the law. L
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Write a 300 word report about one or more women's health issues that affect women's health health throughout the lifespan. You will discuss the issue of your choice and address the bullet point com