So it make strong meaning.
Explain the difference between Bentham and Mill regarding types of pleasures. Start by explaining the greatest happiness principle and principle of utility, then what the hedonistic calculus is, then
write a 5 paragraph opinion essay on weither students should have part time jobs while in school
graphy of Emerson After leaving the ministry, how did Emerson really find his "voice" as a writer? What activities did he partake in? Who did he meet?...
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M7D1: I will attached the information you need to work on the homework,
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Notes on: do video games make kids saints or psychopaths (Why is it so hard to find out)?
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Correct the three errors in pronoun-antecedent agreement in the following paragraph. Some thousands of years ago there lived in Asia a king whose...
Requirements:Original post In 750+ words (this would be around 3-4 pages in MS Word) Word count at bottom right Original post must be posted by the due date shown For this semina
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I need it to be 250 to 500 word essay in APA format .
Which of the following techniques would NOT usually help a class of students who are reluctant to participate in the class?
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Which of the following would be the second part of the STUDY phase of the lesson?
Which of the following is NOT generally a reason for conducting a needs analysis with a business English class?
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Classification Essay You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform you
Writing Assignment: Illustration Essay You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback t
Which of the following is NOT an example of a transitive separable (Type 2) phrasal verb?
Which of the following is an example of a defining relative clause?
Which of the following sentences is NOT written using the passive voice?
Which of the following is NOT a usage of the passive voice?
Which of the following sentences is NOT written using the active voice?
In the Pillow Book , we see the first person musings of a woman who actively pursues sexual partnerships with men.
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Report IssueInstructionsIn this journal assignment, select two potential problems that a) have two logical sides to the issue (your viewpoint and an opposing viewpoint); b) are researchable; and c) ar
When a proofreader underlines a hyphen, what does this mean?
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Prompt: After the advent of the Internet, plagiarism has become much more of a problem all over the world than it was before. Discuss this using the two points below:Do you think the video "A Plagiari
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Topic- Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18?You do not need to use MLA format for this assignment. Instead, number your responses and provide 2+ complete sentences for each prompt. As alwa
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There are several common ways to start an introductory paragraph. Identify one you think would fit your topic most effectively. Why did you pick the
The passage is las papas.Reread the prompt and paragraphs 19 and 20. Write a story about this incident, told in first person by the man's father.
Your first writing assignment will be a Critical Annotated Bibliography, which will require you to locate five (5) scholarly sources and analyze them. This discussion topic is designed to help you get
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Follow these steps to create your own annotated bibliography.Step 1—Take notesUse the Annotated Bibliography Notes to gather the information you need to formulate a final bibliography.To write corre
Please watch this powerful movie titled: For a Deaf Son. It is subtitled and also can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCzl4kuWLw0First rule: Please, everyone, have respect. It's ok to ag
This discussion topic is designed to help you become familiar with how to annotate articles.After you have watched the video, "How to Write an Annotated Bibliography,"please perform the following tas
Read "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" 1.List the characters in the story.
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Winter: Rhyming Discussion (Optional Extra Credit)1010 unread replies.1010 replies.INTRODUCTIONCraft elements refer to the building blocks of fiction/poetry. They include things like plot, character,
INTRODUCTIONCraft elements refer to the building blocks of fiction/poetry. They include things like plot, character, point of view, imagery, rhyme, rhythm, meter, etc. Craft elements are the tools th
The Black Hole video is about ethics. Ethics can have a big influence on decision making in the workplace.
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Examine a FORTUNE 500 ( WAL MART)company’s strategic philanthropy and how it impacts profits, brand, image and turnover, as well as society as a whole. Also, address any disadvantages or associated
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Rar!###s#########t O#G:##G### eBmJ#3*# ###outline Classic Model for an Argument.docx###### ##4#0Dh# # #F# #h5Zh#U#e5SN
The Week 2 assignment is a formal outline for your academic argument, which requires understanding of weekly instructor guidance and College Writing Handbook chapters 1, 3, and section 2.1. In Week 1,
Writing a research paper is a great undertaking, and now you are at the end of the process. No doubt, you feel emboldened by your accomplishment. As we have done throughout this course, you will be a
Then beowulf's glory/ eager they echoed..." "The portal opened,/ though with forged bolts fast, when his fists had struck it?
What are common motifs in William Shakespeare's plays?
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Identify a public health concern that interests you. Examples of such a concern are tobacco, coronary disease, or SARs. Describe what data would be important to know about this concern and how study
In a truly competitive marketplace, an organization must assess what its competitors are charging for services that organization offers. If it charges too much, other organizations simply will not con
First, review MLA or APA (depending on your discipline) in-text citation guidelines at the OWL at Purdue. For this assignment, you are going to demonstrate knowledge of how to use in-text citations
2 pages Journal Entry For the Poem Beowulf Provide a brief overview of the work, mention the historical context, identify the genre. Do more than...
the Short Story Essay. Choose either "Hills Like White Elephants" or "A Rose for Emily" to analyze. You are required to reference and discuss one...
#1 What is the Principle of Utility, according to Bentham? and what does he mean by the word 'utility'? #2 Mill argues for the "greatest happiness principle," that actions are morally right in propor
35 4 Done Attachment And rowed him softer Home - Than Oars divide the Ocean, Too silver for a seam, 3 of 4 Or Butterflies, off Banks of Noon Leap,...
34 4 Done Attachment LENGTH: 1,400 words minimum, 1,600 words maximum (do a word count!) DEADLINE: Be sure you name the file with your name, for...
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” recounts the statesman and activist’s time as a slave in pre-Civil War Maryland. Published in 1845, nearly two decades prior to the Emancipation Pr
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Of Mice And Men Novel: Section 3 - Directions:Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1.What caused George to stop playing mean-spirited jokes
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