What were the primary obstacles to stable rule for India's Muslim invaders and immigrants? How did they deal with them?
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Please answer the question in an essay format of at least two paragraphs in length (One sentence to introduce the argument, one sentence to cite
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hat was their relationship to political leadership? What were their social roles? What role did the madrasas play in Islamic culture and civilization?...
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The civil legal tradition begins to do something very specific that the chthonic legal tradition didn't, protect identities. Briefly explain how the...
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Andrew Carnegie, Wealth : According to Carnegie, how should the great fortunes of industrialists be used?
In which year was Abraham Lincoln ( United States of America President) assassinated?
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Which term is NOT matched with a correct definition?random sampling- using part of the population to measure the whole population biased sampling - a technique for spreading negative information exit
Which of the following is not a method for introducing a Bill in Congress? a member of the house drops the bill into a hopper a member of the Senate reads the bill from the floora sponsor introduces a
da Vinci is typically considered the 'epitome' of a Renaissance man. Why do you think he has endured as a prime example historically?
Which sentence BEST summarizes the debate the founders had about creating a strong federal government?
characteristics of each of the Muslim empires, and in what ways did they resemble each other? How were they distinct from their European Counterparts?...
Former Governor Perry has been heard to speak about the relationship of Texas to the national government as being guided by the Reserved Powers of...
Answer the following questions. (Make sure it's correct) 1. Reservations were seen as quot;obstacles to progressquot; which led to the...
what is classical conditioning?
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How did the development of an urban, industrial society exacerbate inequalities in U.S. society and promote class violence? Use evidence to support your argument.
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According to the tables you read, China was the world’s leading steel producer in 2006.Based on what you know about the changes and resources that helped the United States’ industries to grow, wha
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Why did the Abbasids Arab Empire collapse and the Greater Middle-East/Gulf region fragment under the onslaught of internecine fights and invasions by...
Consider the geography of the Iberian Peninsula. How would an invading army most likely have to invade Spain? A. Spain most likely would be invaded by sea because the Pyrenees physically isolates Spa
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School: UT Arlington; Course: HIST1311- 23050(U. History up to 1865): Unit 1 Topic 3- English Colonization:
In the Aztec economy, two important materials used as money to purchase goods were A) cotton cloth and cacao beans. B) clay objects and gold coins. C) farm animals and feathers. D) turquoise and jade.
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Did you find it sound? Why or why not?. What do you think of Pojman's argument that theism provides meaning to life that atheism cannot? Did you find...
What kept the soil of the chinampas from oozing into the network of canals?what anchored each chinampas plot to solid group beneath the water level
What were the social and administrative foundations of the absolute power of the Ming-Qing emperors?
Compare and contrast racial conflict in the South and the West.
During the 1600s, England put more power in the hands of an elected parliament. What did France do? France followed the English example. France put more power in the hands of its aristocracy. France p
In 1840 what was the easiest route to take to travel from Baltimore, Maryland, to Vandalia, Illinois? 1.National Road 2.Erie Canal 3.Wilderness 4.Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
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The Trans-Siberian Railway covered a distance from Eastern Europe to_______ . Moscow The Volga River The Yenisey River The Pacific
did the Federal Government violate the quot;states' rightsquot; of the free states with laws such as the Fugitive Slave Act?
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How did issues of power, wealth and morality influence exploration and colonization in North America? Also give historical example of power, wealth and morality.
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What are some pros and cons of the two theories represented in this activity regarding the peopling of the Americas?
explain Korea as a buffer state. What does buffer mean? Korea served as a buffer between?
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What was the primary role of the NAACP during the Civil Rights Movement?
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Now that you have finished all of the materials on the settlement of the English colonies, I want you to sit back and think about the following.
Hi I need help with with a Bibliography on a topic in U.S. history up to 1877
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. Evaluate this statement made by a hypothetical historian: "The 20th century represented a consistent trend toward improving the political, social, and economic fortunes for all people of the world."
Write about the french and american revolutions, using your thesis statement to back it up. Your essay should comprise five paragraphs: an introduction, with your hook and thesis statement three body
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Which group or country gained control the most from the entry of Texas into the United States? Who lost the most?
Which agencies created during the new deal are still light in existence A) works progress administration in national drought mitigation Center B) Tennessee Valley Authority and Federal deposit insuran
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What are powers called that the framers of the constitution felt existed and were expected to be held by the national government do to historical precedents and common practice?
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Which modern religion Finds Its Beginnings in the mixture of ancient Aryan and their Dravidian beliefs
Exploration and the discovery of new places led Europeans to colonize these areas. How is this related to the economic ideas of supply and demand?
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What were bin Laden’s ties to the Taliban? A. The Taliban saw him as a political and spiritual leader. B. The Taliban ruled over him, because he was from Afghanistan. C.The Taliban supported his goa
Who believed The social contract is an arrangement in which people extange some of their individual freedoms for common security
The historian Procopius attributes this speech to Theodora. She supposedly said it to Justinian when he wanted to flee from the Nika Riots. "Now if you wish to save yourself, O Emperor, this is not ha
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Why did the India Act in 1937 fail? A. Muslims feared that Hindus would dominate the legislature. B. Hindus feared the Muslim majority. C. The common people didn't support it. D. Gandhi opposed the Ac
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What arguments and strategies were used by northern and southern opponents of the abolition movement?
think that the institution of monarchy is incompatible with freedom? what do these advertisements tell us about relations between slaves and servants?...
Write a 200-250 word post reflecting on Ibn Battuta's observations of life in ancient Mali and on the Swahili Coast.
Can you please explain what Lincoln was doing in his speech, and what he wanted Congress to think?
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