explore Walter Benjamin’s concepts of aura, authenticity, and reproduction as well as John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing,” as they relate to modern art work. You will visit an art museum or gallery and sum
[I have slightly re-worded this topic for better clarity of the topic's intent and to improve the learningexperience and to be more sensitive to issues being raised in our nation today--and to show be
The exploitation of colonial resources and indigenous labor was one of the key elements in the success of imperialism. Such exploitation was a result of the prevalent ethnocentrism of the time and was
250 words One of the challenges often found in the practice of any religion is one of authenticity. This is especially true in the contemporary Christian church as there is an ever-growing desire by
Write a 250-word (minimum) essay on the following topic. Refer to theEssay Grading and Criteria for guidance about writing the essay. Discuss how the Egyptians influenced the Early Greek culture. Plea
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What was the nature of Tokugawa foreign relations?
do 4 pages double spaced essay Midterm Question: There is Only one extended question. Drawing on the history and the legacy of Racism in the development of the U.S. in order to justify oppression and
OVERVIEWIn this assignment you will put the research and writing skills you have been developing to use. In this assignment, you will write a 3 – 5 page informative essay that analyzes the development
Overview: Throughout Theme: Approaches to History, you have been guided through beginning your Project 1: Writing Plan assignment, which you will continue to work on in Theme 2 and formally submit for
For your final project, you will create an 8-10 minute screencast in which you analyze 3 primary sources to develop an argument about how ideas about race, class, and gender have shaped and been shape
For your final project, you will create an 8-10 minute screencast in which you analyze 3 primary sources to develop an argument about how ideas about race, class, and gender have shaped and been shape
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Question 1: What types of primary and secondary sources will you need to use to support the topic you are examining in your essay? You do not need the actual sources yet, but you should have an idea
Guidelines for the Unit 4 Exam:For the Unit 4 Exam, download the file attached above. The file includes a set of documents and images, as well as five sections of questions related to the documents, i
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Guidelines for Part 1 of the Unit 3 Exam:For Part 1 of the Unit 3 Exam, read the four documents attached above.Using the documents and the textbook, write an essay answering the questions listed below
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During the Reconstruction Era, the Southern states created many laws and policies of their own. These “Black Codes” either tried to minimize federal laws and policies or were in retaliation to them. S
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Write on one (1) of the following topics:Topic 1:Phedreillustrates the attitude of men toward women in the Age of Reason and political Absolutism, in which men represent logic, order, and strength whi
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Globalization: Globalizationis the process ofinteractionand integration among people, companies, and governmentsworldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization is considered by some
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no plagiarism and the assignment must be in your own words, this do not have to be apa . make sure each question is separated Question 1 In your first post, provide your evidenced opinion re: what do
1, Video Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMRE8Qp3BjM Review post: 150 Words 2, religions, Discuss some of the features that are common in many world religions. ________________________________
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This is a 3-part assignment for African American studies. The subject for the research assignment is Cicely Tyson and her contribution to the civil rights movement. The assignment must include MLA in-
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Write an essay of 750 words (no less than 650 and no more than 850 words) on this question: how did the revolutions of 1848 differ from those that occurred in 1787-89? The quality of your essay with d
Guidelines for Part 2 of the Unit 2 Exam:For part 2 of the Unit 2 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 18 and 19 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the c
1. The shift from agriculture to industrialization during this period fundamentally changed American society.Are sweeping social changes always the result of huge economic shifts?If so, why do you thi
Will it Pay? Speech by Williams Jennings Bryan - New York Journal, 15 January 1899 —> Questions: 1- Who was the author? date and or origins of the primary source? 2- To whom was document directed? 3-
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Now that you have practiced creating outlines for the “Big Picture” Assignments, it’s time to use what you have learned in creating an essay. Just as before you will need to respond to a prompt, makin
For this mini-essay (a series of three prompts; approx. 500-600 words in total) you need to read the two articles: Curtis, Erin M. 2013. “Cambodian Donut Shops and the Negotiation of Identity in Los A
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Guidelines for Part 1 of the Unit 2 ExamFor Part 1 of the Unit 2 Exam, read the two documents attached above and examine the image located below and attached above. Using the documents, the image, and
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History 281--Handout for Second Essay Assignment Answer one of the questions below in a typed, double-spaced, 3-4 page essay. Be sure to build your answer using evidence (material from the lectures an
Read Chapter 1 of your text; then address one of these two points with relation to what you have read. Supplemental texts, encyclopedias, can also be used. Name the two primary sources of information
I need someone help to do the history exam here are topics for the exam. Constitutional Convention Texas Annexation Virginia plan
Please choose one of the following questions, and post your response of a minimum of 150 words. Be sure that your comments are original, thoughtful, and well developed. This discussion will be open fo
1) Initial Post Please choose one of the following questions, and post your response of a minimum of 150 words. Be sure that your comments are original, thoughtful, and well developed. This discussion
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For this Discussion, you will post at least three times - 1) an initial post, and then 2) two replies to two classmates who posted answers to different questions. You must post first before you will s
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In the late 19th century, the Berlin Museum, which then owned the Ghent Altarpiece, separated the painted fronts of these panels from their backs, which were also painted, by sawing them apart. This h
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The essay should discuss what the Nazis did during the final solution, who were the victims, and the beliefs and reasoning for it. Be sure to discuss the significance of the Wannsee Protocol in histor
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This discussion is for an African-American studies class. Must be 1-2 pages, include APA in-text citation. I have included the link to the youtube video and attached the scholarly source, as well as t
Answer these questions from the readings below ( See attachments) Discussion board answers should be 200-500 words. (don’t count the questions‘ word) From the Schildkrout reading: 1. How does Schildkr
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No later than the fourth day of the academic week, please respond to this thread bywriting a thorough and thoughtful 300 word essaythat addresses each item inoneof the following question sets: The pro
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Answer the following questions: 1. What were the main differences between the Mesopotamian and Egyptian outlook or mentality? What environmental, political, and religious factors contributed to these
Critical thinking makes use of arguments. In this week’s lesson, you gained an overview of what arguments are and what it means for something to be a good or bad argument. In your week one assignment,
ON WAR AND TERROR What is an Op-Ed? Op-Ed is short for “opposite the editorial page,” though is often interpreted as “opinion-editorial.” Op-Eds regularly appear in major and not-so-major newspapers s
“The Americas Before the European Migrations.” Think of the Indigenous populations of the Americas, especially North America. Origins, methods of survival, domestication, innovations, trade, settlemen
In a 1750 word paper, please trace the compositional, stylistic and symbolic development of the story of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. What makes Leonardo’s work unique? You may cite earlier
Journal subject: The Banjo: An American Sketch, by Louis Moreau Gottschalk Write from the perspective of an audience member at a recital performed by Gottschalk in America in 1856 during which he perf
Journal subject: Chester, by William Billings. Write from the perspective of a congregation member of a Massachusetts church that has adopted William Billings' The New-England Psalm-Singer around the
The Movie TROY Assignment HIS 101 Summer 2020 Americans love our history. From time to time, people like to alter or even make up stories in our past. One of the best descriptions of “altering the pas
In 100 to 150 words, develop a logical argument about why the Jews maintained their national identity despite three major attempts at their destruction.
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QUESTION: Explain the historic victory of Barack Obama in 2008. Be sure to examine in depth as many of the various dynamics that led him to victory, such as the Sarah Palin factor, the economy, the un
For each of the 6 songs or videos from this unit, write half a page. Things to discuss include any musical characteristics you can hear, the context of the song, lyrics of the song, etc. Avoid vague d
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Write on one (1) of the following topics: Topic 1: Define Humanism, and then write a paper that explains how The Prince represents a humanist approach to the art of governing, in contrast to the idea