create a readers response for each article article 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/681ytpb0bdq68r7/Reimagining+Content-Area+Lit+Instr++RR1+Required.pdf/file article 2 https://www.mediafire.com/file/
Unit VII Scholarly ActivityAssignment Content Causes of the Civil War The goal of this assignment is to analyze an event, in relation to the Antebellum period of the United States, that you feel direc
Social Science
Dropbox for Analysis of School-Level Report Card Prepare an analysis of your school’s most recent report card by comparing your school to two other comparable schools. Analysis will include a one-par
Social Science
Dropbox for Chapter 2 Textbook Response Mandinach, E.B., & Jackson, S.S. (2012). Transforming teaching and learning through data- driven decision-making. Corwin Publishing Co After reading Chapt
Social Science
Instructional Leadership Resource Presentation (PowerPoint)New Attempt Due Sep 1 by 11:59pmPoints 75Submitting a file uploadAvailable Aug 25 at 12am - Sep 8 at 11:59pmInstructional Leadership Resource
Social Science
does not have to be long about 200 words each part Part 1 Main Entry: Self-Actualization Both humanists you read about in this unit consider self-actualization as the ultimate goal of persona
Instructions Any topic is okay that you want to pick using these sources Sources https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/umuc/reader.action?docID=5106984&ppg=33 https://openstax.org/books/p
Journal 1 Readings https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/reference/hdbk_contempfamilies/n16.xml https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/reference/hdbk_contempfamilies/n9.xml https://sk-sagepub-co
Public Assessment and Health Theory [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 4, 5] Each week, you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various
Health & Medical
Do homework assignment based on the links below: Topic: Obesity Research Question: What dietary and exercise solutions have been put forth to help solve the obesity crisis? https://www.mediafire.com/f
Health & Medical
Q1. Effective communication is crucial for the success of any project. A well-structured project communication memo ensures that stakeholders are informed about the project's progress, goals, and chal
Assessment Description Successful school leaders understand that they are there to serve their stakeholders. To do this effectively, principals must understand their leadership style, values, and prio
Module 1 - Discussion [Graded]Objectives Identify individual ambitions, aspirations, goals, and values.Construct personalized short-, mid-, and long-term education, employment, and individual goals.E
CompTIA's T/S Methodology (Required/Graded) SubscribeFor this discussion, you will be assessing the following help desk ticket below from Chikako (connectivity issue). Use the CompTIA 6-step troublesh
Computer Science
Is this Freedom From or Freedom For? An Analysis... Research to identify what information is available about you and your family on social media. Examples could be a couple of Google searches, addres
Information Systems
Hello I have attached the template of my homework. I will send you the instruction for my homework by chat.
Computer Science
I have attached my homework template and I will send you instructions for the homework by sms.
Computer Science
why is replication so important for conducting any experiment. Replication is crucial in conducting experiments because it ensures the reliability and consistency of results. By repeating an experimen
ENG 190 Module One Assignment Guidelines and RubricOverview As you begin to consider the project due in Module Seven, you will begin the first phase of research for the project. This includes selectin
Business & Finance
Select five U.S. counties. Determine where these counties are located and use the information on the map to create a graph representing the information. Select the type of graph that will work best fo
I need help with a psychological statistics paper
Topic Glomerulonephritis Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: • This is a separate page by itself, with the following information cen T
Discuss reasons why some people open restaurants.Describe the beginnings and growth of restaurants in America.List some challenges of restaurant operations.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of
Essay , It should be 1,500 words in length (give or take 150 words), and should be submitted as a Word document Question Was the Cold War a Long Peace? You must use the following readings to comp
Instructions: Employee selection and assessment is a dominant area of study and practice for I-O psychologists that has continuously been researched over the years. The first methods used for screenin
Instructions: Employee selection and assessment is a dominant area of study and practice for I-O psychologists that has continuously been researched over the years. The first methods used for screenin
Waiting for answer
Please read the article attached and answer the following questions. Type in MS word and attach. No plagiarism and must provide plagiarism report count. Must be in APA 7th edition Is it permissible
Read the article below and discuss your views and the pros and cons of working with Court Mandated Clients. APA 7th edition format and no plagiarism. Must provide plagiarism report
Interpersonal Communication Read the Sample Life-Learning Paper # 2 on Interpersonal Communication by Deborah Glass. Using the style expressed in the essay by Deborah Glass, write a one page summary o
Info Systems Technology Article
Read Effia & Esi in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to eng
I need this assignment done for human behavior class. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5su6rzukks4wvu3/SWK-541-RS-T1.ParentingClassLessonPlanWorksheet.docx/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/hglhp33y
Social Science
Ethics Theories Matrix: Wilkens Chapters 4 - 5 Assignment
Applied Sciences
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Define, in your own words, the strategy of visualization and explain how it can help a person create a new habit. Give an example of a time this has worked for you personally.Note: To earn full credit
Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words--not copied and pasted. Remember to properly cite a
1-1 Discussion: Using Research (50 Points) Research is an important part of academics, but it is also used in your daily life. You use research to find a restaurant, look up reviews for products you w
Business & Finance
Topic Glomerulonephritis Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: • This is a separate page by itself, with the following information cen
Topic Glomerulonephritis Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: • This is a separate page by itself, with the following information cen
Waiting for answer
Topic Glomerulonephritis Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: • This is a separate page by itself, with the following information cen
Health & Medical
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Restaurants, Leadership, Family Read and analyze the example comparison and contrast essay in Chapter 8. Then, outline and compose your own comparison and contrast paper. The themes for this essay are
According to the tables you read, China was the world’s leading steel producer in 2006. Based on what you know about the changes and resources that helped the United States’ industries to grow, what c
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Hello Assignment for $10 each?
Information Systems
Assignment: This week, you learned about foundational concepts of youth-adult relationships/partnerships and youth voice. You read the following readings: Reading 1: At Our Best: Building youth-adul
To what extent have psychologically-oriented criminological theories changed since Tarde and Lombroso? Explain in detail what you believe to be the biblical substitute for criminological theory. To wh
Social Science
What role should Holistic Medicine play in modern American Health Care? Holistic medicine should be an integral part of modern American healthcare, complementing conventional treatments. By addressing
Social Science
Accounting: Business and finance: computerscience: Economics: Marketing: Social Science Am a professional academic writer, content creator and, copywriter with 7 years of research based experience. M
Computer Science
Directions For this assignment complete the following steps: Download the assignment template to write your paper.Locate sources to aid in writing your paper.Develop a specific research question and
Simple Delusional Syndrome Scale-scale to use Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometri
Health & Medical
1) DEFM311 due on 2024/09/07 Instructions Each student is required to read a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issue related to this course. This article must be different than your
Imagine you're a police officer approaching a potential suspect who is discussing an incident. Are you obligated to provide the Miranda warning at this point? And if not, when does the Miranda warning