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Your task is to implement a recursive descent parser to recognize and evaluate simple expressions in PYTHON!!
You will start with the program pluto1.py and extend it to a Pluto 2.0 version that will include support for boolean expressions and comparison operators.
Pluto 2.0 will be based on the following grammar:<command> -> <bool_expr>
<bool_expr> -> <bool_term> {OR <bool_term>}
<bool_term> -> <not_factor> {AND <not_factor>}
<not_factor> -> {NOT} <bool_factor>
<bool_factor> -> BOOL | LPAREN <bool_expr> RPAREN | <comparison>
<comparison> -> <arith_expr> [COMP_OP <arith_expr>]
<arith_expr> -> <term> {ADD_OP <term>}
<term> -> <factor> {MULT_OP <factor>}
<factor>-> LPAREN <arith_expr> RPAREN | FLOAT | INT
You will also have to define and accept tokens to represent the boolean values 'True' and 'False', the boolean operators 'and', 'or' and 'not' and the comparison operators '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!=':
BOOL: 'True' or 'False'
AND: 'and'
OR: 'or'
NOT: 'not'
COMP_OP: '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!='
Here are some test cases. More tests are provided in the grading rubric. Please feel free to add your own.
Pluto 2.0>>>8.5 > 6 and 8 + 3 == 11 and 72 <=100 and 5 != 2+6 and 100 >= 20 or 4 < 2
Pluto 2.0>>>not not not True
Pluto 2.0>>>9 * 4 + 4 > 17
Pluto 2.0>>>not(8/2 > 3.14) or 7 < 10 and 10 < 1
Pluto 2.0>>> 8 * 2.0 == 16
Pluto 2.0>>>7 + 6 * 2 != 15
Pluto 2.0>>>8 + 9 != > 10Parser errorExpected: NUMBERGot: >line 1 position 9
Pluto 2.0>>>True or True and False
Pluto 2.0>>>(True or True) and False
Pluto 2.0>>>not True or True
Pluto 2.0>>>not (True or True)
- Theoperatormodule includes the functions corresponding to the comparison operators: lt, gt, eq, ne, le, ge
If we add the import statement:
from operator import lt, gt, eq, ne, le, ge
then instead of:
result = a < b
we can write:
result = lt(a, b)
Make sure you add these comparison operators and their corresponding functions to the SUPPORTED_OPERATORS dictionary.
- Make sure you always call match to advance to the next token. If the parser is generating an error that does not make sense, it is very likely that there is a missing call to match.