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- Subject: Introduction to eBusiness - Recommended textbook for the assignment: Laudon, K. C. & Traver, C. G. (2013). E-commerce Essentials, 1st Edition. Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780133544985. (CHAPTER

- Subject: Introduction to eBusiness 

- Recommended textbook for the assignment: Laudon, K. C. & Traver, C. G. (2013). E-commerce Essentials, 1st Edition. Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780133544985. (CHAPTER 9)

- Read and answer the questions in APA style:

1. A number of new forms of digital communication have developed in the last 10 years. Describe, from your perspective, the most significant two or three, and describe the pros and cons of them. What changes do you expect to see for them moving forward.

2. Apple’s Tim Cook made U2’s Songs of Innocence album available free to every Apple iTunes customer on September 9, 2014, and it seems like yet another major change in the landscape of the business of music is taking place. What were U2’s motives? Do you believe U2 was paid anywhere near as much by Apple for this album as it would have made had it gone on sale? If so, why would Apple do that? If not, why would U2 participate?

3. An old friend of your asserts that Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes can restrict what kinds of devices can display movies and limit your ability to backup your purchases for situations where media failure eliminates access to the content you have purchased. Is your friend correct about these limitations? Survey the limitations that DRM schemes place on the customer, display devices, etc., order them starting with what you consider to be the most offensive to the least, and then explain your position.

4. Pick a change in online media and content that you see and believe will have a major and positive change in your life. Explain the trend and why you feel so positive about it. Provide evidence that others agree with you that the impact of this trend will be beneficial.

5. Mobile media has been gaining a great deal of attention and there appears to be significant growth in the popularity of larger and larger phones and smaller tablets in order to consume various forms of digital content. At the same time, there appears to be growing resentment to people ignoring the people around them. How much longer will the mobile consumption trend grow and what are the key factors, if any, that might slow it down. Explain and defend your answer.

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