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(1) It is such an honor to be able to put together a musical performance within my own community. The program is for the once upon a year donation known to many as, “Toys for tots.” The program is


   It is such an honor to be able to put together a musical performance within my own community. The program is for the once upon a year donation known to many as, “Toys for tots.” The program is held once a year and is aimed at getting packaged toys to children that are in programs such as foster care. The audience is going to be the whole community and is aimed at people that may not consistently donate each year. Music helps create thinking that can be creative and thoughtful (Pierce 2015). The type of musical instruments used would grab the community's attention. Musical instruments such as chimes, organs, tambourine, and bells would be used to bring a show that grabs the emotions of the people listening.  

       An elevated level of music may distract the individuals listening to it without affecting their thought process (Cheema et al 2012). The purpose of the message is to bring awareness to the cause by producing a performance that makes people feel the positive psychological impact that music produces. The overall purpose of the performance is to have people donate whom attend the and connect with others throughout the community with the common goal in mind which is to help less fortunate children. The best way to get the word out to the community is through advertising. To attract more people, I would have posters throughout the city that would have attention grabbers to bring more people to want to participate.  


Art and Culture    Music influences culture and culture influences music.  Art captures the history of a particular people at a specific time.  Traditions and folklores are handed down from generation to generation.    Program:  The Human Cost of War    Background music:        "Underneath the Lantern by the        barrack gate,        Darling I remember the        way you used to wait        Twas there that you        whispered tenderly        that you loved me. You'd        always be        my Lili of the lamplight        my own Lili Marlene"                    (Oostens 2017)    Setting: A battlefield    Scenario: Recounting the horrors of war: the loss of lives and the suffering of the wounded.The play has three scenes (three acts): Scene 1:  Soldier recounting a day on the battlefield.  Scene 2: Women and children talking about the hardship of their daily lives because of wars. Scene 3: closing: demised soldier.Audience: The leaders of the world and the youth.Message: Wars have serious consequences that are far-reaching and long lasting. The effect of war is infinite and the cost to humans cannot be measured. Method of promotion: social media, radio and posters.Our ability to survive (physical and emotional) depend on our attachment to others (Woody 2013).


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