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~_ Tracked ~` CHAPTER 2 It . Furthermore* bodily experience jects Korean popul ext for simultanes A Leveraged Playing Field ruth Korean popul. In the...

A summary of the main points/arguments of the chapter. I can only put one page. But the book is called "transnational sport gender media and global Korea" by Rachel Miyung Joo

~_ Tracked ~`CHAPTER 2It . Furthermore*bodily experiencejects Korean populext for simultanesA Leveraged Playing Fieldruth Korean popul.In the United StatedU. S. MULTICULTURALISM AND KOREAN ATHLETESwork to producerIse of global Kore`are shaped by nameKorean athletes performing in U. S. leagues symbolize particularly powerfulnarratives of both South Korean and U.S. nationalisms for viewers in bothsites . This chapter examines the centrality of multicultural nationalism inU. S. - based sporting discourses , and it works to situate Korean / Americanathletes and viewers within the narratives of racial , ethnic , and nationaldifference that constitute the discourses of multiculturalism . In the previouschapter , I traced the historically embedded processes that situate Koreannationalist interest in Korean athletes . Whereas Koreans and Korean Ameri -cans are largely drawn to these players by a shared sense of Koreanness ,responses to athletes are mediated within and between nation - specific con -texts . In this chapter , I focus primarily on the production and reception ofKorean athletes in the United States . Although I assume that the signifi -cance of Korean players in Korean American communities draws largelyfrom direct and indirect experiences of South Korea , as well as from connec -tions to an idea of Koreanness , the consumption of Korean athletes playingin the United States by Korean Americans takes place largely through U . S.national productions of media sport . Korean and other minority athleteswithin the U.S. sporting complex are located within the United States andsubject to the ideological force of its national productions .The influence of multiple nationalisms and national discourses is notlimited to Korean Americans , as Korean athletes in the United States alsooperate as representations of " Americanness" to consumers in South Koreaand beyond ( see Grewal 2005 ) . Commodified ideas of America are accessedthrough the circulation and consumption of media sport and related prod-
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