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(Assembly Language: Using Irvine32.
.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto, dwExitCode:dword
include Irvine32.inc
space = 32
str1 byte "Stack Parameters: ", 0
str2 byte "-----------------------------------------", 0
str3 byte "Address ", 0
array1 dword 1122h, 2233h, 3344h, 4455h
main proc
call Clrscr
invoke MyProc, [esi], [esi + 4], [esi+8]
main endp
ShowParams proc uses eax ebx edx, Count: dword
mov edx, offset str1
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov edx, offset str2
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov esi, offset array1
mov ecx, Count
mov edx, offset str3
call WriteString
mov eax, esi
call WriteHex
mov al, space
call WriteChar
mov al, '='
call WriteChar
mov al, space
call WriteChar
mov eax, [esi]
call WriteHex
call Crlf
inc esi
loop Loop1
ShowParams endp
MyProc proc first:dword, second:dword, third:dword
local ParamCount: dword
mov ParamCount, 3
invoke ShowParams, ParamCount
MyProc endp
end main
I am getting this error:
1>....Project32_VS2017AddTwo.asm(19): error A2006: undefined symbol : MyProc
1>....Project32_VS2017AddTwo.asm(57): warning A6004: procedure argument or local not referenced : first
1>....Project32_VS2017AddTwo.asm(57): warning A6004: procedure argument or local not referenced : second
1>....Project32_VS2017AddTwo.asm(57): warning A6004: procedure argument or local not referenced : third
I am not sure how to fix this.