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"Choose ONE of the following applications:

"Choose ONE of the following applications:Traffic monitoringA decision support system for planning housing needs in the short and medium termAn interactive website for finding your nearest public resource (e.g. hospital, doctor, etc.)A decision support system for locating a landfill siteWrite a 2,000 word report on the application considering the following questions:What is explicitly geographical about the application?What data sets would be required?What form of GIS data representation would be most suitable?What form of GIS analysis would be most suitable?What form of output will be produced?What are the legal issues surrounding this application?What is the most appropriate data model?What are the advantages of using GIS?What are the disadvantages of using GIS?Provide a reference list at the end of the report. Where appropriate, you should attempt to include relevant figures and tables to support the report. Please remember that these should have a caption, acknowledgement of their source and be properly used in the text of the report."

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