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"Employee Compensation in the Private and Public Sector between Genders"A. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to complete your academic argumentative research paper.B. Description: In this ass

"Employee Compensation in the Private and Public Sector between Genders"

A. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to complete your academic argumentative research paper.

B. Description: In this assignment, you will first write your conclusion; then, you will write your abstract. The following components are requirements of the assignment:

C. Conclusion (250-300 words):

a) Revisit the controversy.

b) Emphasize the seriousness of the controversy.

c) Answer the "So What?" question.

d) Suggest a general solution.

e) Call for awareness/action.

f) Leave the reader with a final thought.

D. Abstract (200 words): For this assignment, you may not exceed 200 words.

a) Restatement of the controversy (one to two sentences)

b) Your thesis (one sentence)

c) Reasons (three to four sentences)

d) Conclusion sentence (one sentence)

E. Add the conclusion and abstract to the rest of your paper so that you are turning in a complete research paper. The paper should include all of the following components (in order):

a) Title page

b) Abstract

c) Introduction

d) Literature review

e) Body paragraphs

f) Conclusion

g) References page 

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