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  Human Trafficking Policy Analysis AssignmentThe Human Trafficking Policy Analysis Assignment should meet APA standards with in-text citations and references. Please following the attached grading

  Human Trafficking Policy Analysis Assignment

The Human Trafficking Policy Analysis Assignment should meet APA standards with in-text citations and references. Please following the attached grading rubic for criteria. 

The Human Trafficking Policy Analysis Assignment should include a minimum of (7-8) (double-spaced, numbered) pages and use 3 Scholarly Resources

The format of the assignment should include and meet all APA requirements: 1) Cover page; 2) Introduction (1/2 page); 3) Analysis (3-5 pages); 4) Conclusion (1/2 page); 5) Reference page.

The paper should be organized; each paragraph should flow logically into the next paragraph. Headings and sub-headings should be utilized.

Appropriate terminology should be used; writing should be clear and concise.

Appropriate font should be used (Times New Roman) and font size (12-point font).

The paper should be written in a professional tone.

Other items to consider:

The paper should demonstrate critical and creative thinking.

The paper should demonstrate knowledge of policy analysis.

The concluding paragraphs should provide a summary of key points, it should connect to the introduction, and should offer recommendations for policy changes/considerations.

In the Analysis section, you are to evaluate and synthesize the factual information. This is the most important part of your paper where I can see your critical thinking rather than what others have written. This section should at a minimum be 3-5 pages in length.

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