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(i) for incorrect and (c) for correct. Tell whether each word in the sentance below is used correctly: 1. (a) The grass verge by the roadside was a good spot for a picnic_ (b) After the two companies

(i) for incorrect and (c) for correct. Tell whether each word in the sentance below is used correctly:

1. (a) The grass verge by the roadside was a good spot for a picnic_

(b) After the two companies verged, they became even better._

(c) The story he told verged on being funny without meaning to_

(d) The train verged along the track and reached its destination ahead of time_

2. (a) An assertive person like Asif does not take no for an answer_

(b) Galileo asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe_

(c) I challenge your assertion that the party will be canceled because of the weather_

(d) I joined the assertion because i love reading and talking about books_

3. a- "Don't worry about it," Shondra said blithely when i mentioned the money_

b- The movies takes a blithe look at life in the Roaring Twenties_

c- Chien-Shiung showed a blithe disregard for her failing grades_

d- He blithely practiced the high jump every day after school for hours at a time_

4. a- after the fifth day of heavy snow, the number of students who walked school had dwindled to just a few_

b- Carl was dwindled out of bed by his blaring alarm_

c- The dirt road had dwindled to an uneven and overgrown path_

d- Food was dwindling rapidly and needed to be replaced

5. a- Jericho's nimble mind was always coming up with something funny to say_

b- Grandma's nimble fingers went to work repairing the shirt_

c- Her nimble feet stumbled all the time_

d- Our fingers were so nimble from the cold that they lost all feeling_

6. (a) My favorite aquatic sport is diving_

(b) Seals and other aquatic animals bask in the sun_

(c) The spaceship travelled at the light speed across deep aquatic space_

(d) Kelp is an aquatic plant that grows in abundance and has many uses_

7. (a) The plight of the stranded whales drew worldwide attention_

(b) I couldn't stop thinking about the plight of the lost puppy we had found_

(c) We thought we could do something to help his plight_

(d) The plight's colors were mostly gray_

8. (a) The sailor kept a vigilant watch for icebergs

(b) Reporters keep a vigilant eye on what goes on in Washington._

(c) The guards had grown slow and vigilant and were taken completely by surprise_

(d) Vigilant sounds coming from the darkness made us shiver in fear_

9. (a) it was impossible to avert the disaster that followed

(b) We averted ourselves closer to the water

(c) I averted the unpleasant subject by talking about the weather

(d) I averted my gaze from the accident on the news_

10. (a) I recognized the ponderous footsteps of Grandpa coming into the house_

(b) Uncle Biyen's ponderous jokes are very funny_

(c) The titanosaur was ponderous beat, weighing in at a hundred tons_

(d) A ponderous cloud floated high above us, threatening rain_

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