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 I have attached the instructions and an example of the project. My subject is BMW company and I have to create an ISSUE and Fix it. So, The ISSUE I picked isISSUE:  Lack of demand in the last ten

 I have attached the instructions and an example of the project. 

My subject is BMW company and I have to create an ISSUE and Fix it. 

So, The ISSUE I picked is

ISSUE:  Lack of demand in the last ten years on the model car Z80. Moreover the manufacturing cost is very high because it has 8 cylinders. Which caused a lot of losses for the company.Solution: Stop manufacturing the model Z80. And start atManufacturing the new model Z90s with a 6-cylinder sport engine. So as to suit the requirements of modern times. Cost less and with high specifications. 

In this project DATA dosen't have to be real you can just create them. The mean purpose is show the understanding of the three models.

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