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(Instructions)Respond to peer about their post in regard to mentalism and radical behaviorism. Your response should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. What aspects of t
Respond to peer about their post in regard to mentalism and radical behaviorism.
Your response should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. What aspects of the post do you like or agree with and why? Are there areas that are not clear? Did the post spark questions that you would like to ask your peer? In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone scholarly, respectful, and professional.
(Peer response )
Psychology and mentalist thinking focuses more on the belief that the feelings and emotions of the mind are intertwined with all actions and behaviors. Behaviorist’s belief focuses more on the behavior as an independent action and the influences to the behavior.
Mentalists may argue that actions and behaviors are caused by internal not observable events or thoughts and these carry the foundation of behavior. A behaviorist argues that all behavior can be observable and non-observable and behavior is a response to a trigger or stimulus regardless.
For example, my nine year old son has autism. I, tend to want to put an emotion behind his actions to help appease my own feelings and thoughts. When, the reason he wanted to watch YouTube was not because he was bored and I was bad mom, but simply he wanted to watch Legos therefore he turned on YouTube. As a mentalist thought, we use emotion to appease our feelings of inadequacy which is a behavior put forth by our emotion. Behaviorally, since my son was not actively engaged in an activity and he knew how to access the internet for YouTube kids Lego videos, he did, because he wanted to watch Legos.