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' MichiganCities.vb-This program prints a massage for invalid cities in Michigan. ' Input:Interactive ' Output:
' MichiganCities.vb-This program prints a massage for invalid cities in Michigan.
' Input:Interactive
' Output:Error massage or nothing
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Declarevariables.
Dim City As String ' city to look up in array
' Initialized array of Michigan cities
Dim CityNames() As String = {"Acme", "Albion", "Detroit", "Watervliet", "Coloma", "Saginaw", "Richland", "Glenn", "Midland", "Brooklyn"}
Dim FoundIt As Boolean = False ' Flag variable
Dim X As Integer ' Loop control variable
' Get user input
City = InputBox$("Enter city name: ")
' Add your loop here
' Add your test statement here to see if there is
' a match. Set the flag to true if city is found.
' Test to see if city was not found to determine if
' "Not a city in Michigan" message should be printed
End Sub ' End of Main() procedure
End Module ' End of MichiganCities module
1)For loop statement examining city 2)code test for match 3)code prints message "Not a city in Michigan" 4)Execute program using Chicago; Brooklyn; Watervliet; Acme 5)Output how many cities search.Dont hard-code to 10.Use Length property of array 6)Display city in output like City Detroit found & Canton is not a city in Michigan 7)Display message if city found/not found