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// This program tests a password for the American Equities // web page to see if the format is correct // Place Your Name Here #include

// This program tests a password for the American Equities

// web page to see if the format is correct

// Place Your Name Here

#include <iostream>

#include <cctype>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std; 

//function prototypes 

bool testPassWord(char[]);  

int countLetters(char*);

int countDigits(char*);

int main()


char passWord[20];  

cout << "Enter a password consisting of exactly 5 "

<< "letters and 3 digits:" << endl;


if (testPassWord(passWord))

cout << "Please wait - your password is being verified" << endl;



cout << "Invalid password. Please enter a password "

   << "with exactly 5 letters and 3 digits" << endl;

  cout << "For example, my37RuN9 is valid" << endl;


// FILL IN THE CODE THAT WILL CALL countLetters and 

// countDigits and will print to the screen both the number of

// letters and digits contained in the password.  

return 0;



//            testPassWord


// task:determines if the word contained in the

//  character array passed to it, contains

//exactly 5 letters and 3 digits.

// data in:a word contained in a character array

// data returned:  true if the word contains 5 letters & 3

//digits, false otherwise



bool testPassWord(char custPass[])


int numLetters, numDigits, length;

length = strlen(custPass);

  numLetters = countLetters(custPass);

numDigits = countDigits(custPass);

if (numLetters == 5 && numDigits == 3 && length == 8 )

return true;


return false;


// the next 2 functions are from Sample Program 10.5


//            countLetters


// task:counts the number of letters (both

//         capital and lower case in the string

// data in:a string 

// data returned:  the number of letters in the string



int countLetters(char *strPtr) 


int occurs = 0;

while(*strPtr != '')    


if (isalpha(*strPtr))  




return occurs;



//            countDigits


// task:counts the number of digitts in the string

// data in:a string 

// data returned:  the number of digits in the string



int countDigits(char *strPtr) // this function counts the

                // number of digits


int occurs = 0;

while(*strPtr != '')


if (isdigit(*strPtr)) // isdigit determines if

          // the character is a digit




return occurs;


Exercise 1:  Fill in the code in bold and then run the program several times with both valid and invalid passwords. Read through the program and make sure you understand the logic of the code.

Exercise 2:  Alter the program so that a valid password consists of 10 charac- ters, 6 of which must be digits and the other 4 letters.

Exercise 3:  Adjust your program from Exercise 2 so that only lower case letters are allowed for valid passwords. 

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