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Write at least five paragraphs stating the when, why, how, and who for each answer. Not use attachments Only use the information contained in the assigned readings. Do not use Internet sources or
- Write at least five paragraphs stating the when, why, how, and who for each answer.
- Not use attachments
- Only use the information contained in the assigned readings. Do not use Internet sources or based your answers on your own opinion.
- Write the question before the answer.
Due date May 20 before mid-night
Question 1.
The Island of Hispaniola was inhabited by Tainos before the arrival of Spanish conquerors and colonizers in 1492. The island remained a Spanish Colony until the seventeenth century when it was divided into two colonies. When was the island divided into two different colonies? Name each of these colonies. Why was the island divided? Who were the major actors in the division? How many treaties were signed in the seventeenth century to fix the border dividing the two colonies? Name each of these treaties. When were these treaty signed? How many nation/states emerged from these two colonies? Name these countries. When did each of these countries achieve independence?
Question 2.
Dominicans are know for "considering" themselves superior to Haitians. Write at least five paragraphs detailing how anti-Haitianism evolved in the DR. What role did former slave holders and the Catholic Church play in the creation of anti-Haitianism? What role did the United States play? When did anti-Haitianism become institutionalized? On the other hand, write at least two paragraphs about instances when Dominicans and Haitians have worked in unity.
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******** **** ******* ***** ***** ****** after *** ****** *** **** ********* ** the ****** ** was ******* **** *** ******** namely: ***** ******* **** *** ***** *** ******* **** and ***** ******** **** *** under the ****** rule The ****** *** ******* to ******** *** French *** *** Spaniards The division *** **** ***** *** **** ** *********** ******** ** 1492 ** *** early *********** century *** **** ** ***** ******* *** *********** of Hispaniola ** **** to Santo ******* *** ********** ******** In **** ***** *** *********** ** the ****** ************ ** ***** XIV The ****** colony *** ** be called Saint-Domingue **** *** the cession ** ***** **** *** ******* ***** of the ****** to ****** under *** Treaty ** Ryswick * major ****** **** ******* ** **** ** Saint-Domingue *** Toussaint ********** ** take over *** treaty of ******* was **** ** ******* *** ******** ** *** ****** **** *** a year ** ***** *** Napoleonic ****** intended to re-establish slavery on *** island However ******* ** ************ ********** **** him ******** Haiti ** a ******** *** states ****** Haiti *** the ********* ******** ******* **** *** *** ******** ** ****** *** ***** ************ ***** *** declared ** independent ****** ** *** ******* **** Consequently ******** ** 1844 *** *** ********* ******** declared an independent **************** ********** ** *************** in ***** ********* of *************** ** ****** back ** *** ***** ********* **** ******** in the ******** ** Saint ******** **** Caribbean ******** ****** ** replicate *** ***** ******* **** *** dominant *** generated ******* *************** was ******* ** *** ******** *** ** *** *********** of the ******** ******* This ******* * harsh ******* ****** in the ***** population They viewed the ***** population as **** which was *** capable of ********* ************ ******** ***** were ******* ** *** ****** *** this led ** the ******** of * ******** ******* **** ********** the ****** Prejudice from the ****** created * rift *** rebellion of ******** ******* the whites ********** *** ***** ** *************** **** were ********** as a menace ** *** ********* of *** Caribbean ********* *** ********** ** *** ****** ********* *** ***** ** hatred ******* ******** ** *** long *** Haitians *** ********* ** *********** ** ****** slaves and *** ******** ****** ** Anti-HaitanismFormer slaveholders *** *** ******** ****** *** * ************ ** the ******** ** anti-Haitianism Ideally there **** ****** animosities ******* the ********** *** ******** *** Dominicans ********** *** ******** as ****** who ***** *** **** *** higher rank ****** **** **** *** ******** associated the ***** ******** ****** ** *** ****** Colonists *** ******** ****** *** ********* *** abused ******** ****** independence ** the **** *** **** *********** *** ****** property *** severed *** ties that **** *** **** *** Haitians **** ****** ********* ***** and *** ******** emergence ** *************** **** ******* cultural *********** ******* the ********* *** ******** ******* Jean Pierre ***** also *********** ** **** rifts *** ******* ** ****** *** Dominican ******** ***** at the destruction of the Hispanic ******* *** ** *** efforts **** *** *** ******* ** *** ********** to ******* contact between *** ********* Church *** that ** *** ******** hierarchy **** created animosity ******* the ********** ** *** ******** ******* *** independence **** had **** ************** ****** *********** to *** ******** ** *************** **** **** ****** *** ****** victorious ** 1804 Haiti was among *** ***** **** black *********** ****** ******* ************ ******** ************** between the ** *** Haiti ** ****** **** ******* *** ***** was *** ***** for limited territory A **** ******* racial schism *** *********** ** ***** *** ****** of ********* ******** *** by * ****** ***** ***** Toussaint ********** The Haitian ****** were ******* ** ******* ** **** ***** *** *** it *** ******* ** ********* ******** Santo ******* **** ***** ** ********** ******* *** ******** *** *** ****** However his ***** were ******** The involvement ** *** ****** slaves ** *** ***** ******* the ******** ** *** two territories ****** * ***** **** ** it was ** *** ** creating superiority and *********** ******* *** Dominicans *** ************ of *** ****** States ** ******** of Anti-HaitianismFor ***** the ** *** ******** ** ***** The *********** ** Haiti ********* **** *** ********* ** *** US ** ***** ** ***** *** to the creation ** * ***** **** The fear ** ******* **** *** ** *** ********** ** the ****** ** ********** *** move *** ***** ** ******** ** ******** *** ********* ***** ** *** **** ****** ***** *** ********* stability ** *** ******* **** led ** *** ** *********** *** ********** in *** country ** ***** foreign ********* *** United ****** ********** *** *** ****** in *** ******* *** assassinated *** *********** individuals who **** **** ***** ****** their ********** **** the country *** ** ********** *** *** ******** of the country as **** as *** leadership systems *** US ******* **** ***** could *** ** involved ** *** ******* ********** **** other countries ** ********** *** ******* ****** **** ******** *** ******** ** racial *********** ********** ** **** as ****** labor ******* ** ********** **** *** **** ** *********** *************** *** ***************** in *** ***** *** 40's when ****** Trujillo *** ** ************** in which ******** *** Dominicans **************** ** ***** ******** and Dominicans ****** At one ***** ******** ******* to the ********* ******** ** free the ****** **** *** **** **** ** *** ********* **** *** led to **** ******** **** *** ***** ********* They ****** to ******** in ensuring that **** ******** ****** **** *** ****** ****** **** led to *** ************* of ***** ** * ***** ***** ******** ******* **** ********* and Haiti ******* ******* ** ******* enslavement and ****** **** ** ***** not ** ********* **** ****** ** ******** *** ******** colonizers **** *** IslandDespite *** *********** **** ***** ******* *** two ******* there *** ********* in ***** the Dominican ***** seek aid from Haiti ****** *** ********* of Rafael ******** ********** **** ** **** ******** ********* instability *** ****** annexations **** ********* **** ******* in ensuring **** ********** *** **** **** the colonial powers ****** *** **** ******* the ********** ** *** European *** ******** rule had ** impact ** ** This *** *** ******* ** **** *** **** Haiti *** **** *** ** create ********* *** ensure that **** *** **** **** the ******** ************