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08D1-08 - How do we generally reward, punish, or distribute good or bad, as defined in the text, and which theories do you think we follow primarily? How does this compare to at least one country other than the U.S. that holds a different perspective?

In the U.S., we hold particular views about how we reward and punish individuals for their actions. We do not condone an eye for an eye as do some other countries, and we are sometimes criticized for being soft on crime. How do we generally reward, punish, or distribute good or bad, as defined in the text, and which theories do you think we follow primarily? How does this compare to at least one country other than the U.S. that holds a different perspective? Provide examples from the popular press as well as peer-reviewed sources to support your global comparative analysis.

American Methods, identify a country outside of the U.S. that provides a good contrasting example about reward, punishment, and distribution.


Thiroux and Krasemann, read Chapter 7, "Reward and Punishment," pages 106–137

Read Stewart and Sprinthall, "The Impact of Demographic, Professional, and Organizational Variables and Domain on the Moral Reasoning of Public Administrators."

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