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1-3 Final Project Review - IT-140 1-1 Discussion Intro to Scripting X A ALEKS - Dametres Lopez - Home x Codio - Conditional Statements Codio...

Can someone explain what the question is asking I don't understand.

1-3 Final Project Review - IT-1401-1 Discussion Intro to Scripting X A ALEKS - Dametres Lopez - Home xCodio - Conditional StatementsCodiohttps://codio.com/dlopez7/conditional-statements:5c1711cbab68f03457dca422:oPvfU9le7qLW/tree/challenges%2Fbool-input.py+ProjectEditFindViewbool-input.pyToolsEducationConfigure....Project Index (static)Configure...4. 3. Boolean...DLOPEZ7Get our boolean values from the command lineimport sysisCold= sys . argv[1] ==- ' True'Collapse BooleanGOOD NOUAWNpisRainy= sys . argv [2] ==# Your code goes here4. 3. Boolean inputsif iscold = (True)print (iscold)else :|We pass in 2 boolean inputs. cold andYou should output a single string:('cold' or 'warm' ) .based on these inputs.) and " ('rainy' or 'dry' )( ' cold' or 'warm' ) means you should use on of the twowords. depending on the input boolean valuefor example False, True =warm and rainyChedXProgram OutputFile "bool-input py". line 9if isCold = (True)SyntaxError invalid syntax109% (11:5]PythonThere is an error is your programType here to search7:54 PM1/6/2019
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