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1) A 17-year-old hacker broke into the Bell Laboratories network, destroyed files, copied 52 proprietary software programs, and published confidential information on underground bulletin boards. Many

1) A 17-year-old hacker broke into the Bell Laboratories network, destroyed files, copied 52 proprietary software programs, and published confidential information on underground bulletin boards. Many hackers are young, some as young as 12.

Research the topic and discuss how the fraud occurred. Assess the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls and recommend accounting information system (AIS) controls that will mitigate the risk of future attacks. Ensure your recommendation is in compliance with industry standards.

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************ Fraud and ******** ************ of ******************* ** ************************ Fraud and Internal *************** have ******** ** their access ** ************ *********** *** *********** ** ********** *** *** ** *** *** of ************* ******** which *** all aimed ** acquiring ******* *********** that pertains ** ********** or ** ************ ** *** **** ** * *********** hacker *** ***** **** *** **** ************ network it ******** the *** a botnet ***** creates * robot ******* The ***** ******* ** **** ** ****** ********* and retrieve ******* ****** *** hacker ***** control ** *** ******* *** ******** *** ***** At *** **** **** *** ****** **** *** ***** ******* copies the ** proprietary software ******** * ****** is **** to **** and **** ******* ** *********** ******** ******* *** ***** of ** infected ******* *** ****** **** ****** *** **** Laboratories ******* *** ensure **** confidential *********** ** ********* ** *** *********** ******** boards *********** Choo ***** **** ***** **** *** *** ** botnet can ** **** ** ********** *** ***** ** the **** ************ networkInternal ******************** *** *********** an ********* internal control system ** useful ** part ** *** ********** ******* ********** ********* ** policies ***** ********* ** **** ** procedures is dependent ** *** internal control ****** **** ******** ******** controls it ***** to quality ** ********** **** ***** the ******** ******** *** **** in ******** *** ***** **** affect an ************ ******** ******** **** ********** ********** ** ******* activities ** well ** *** *********** ** organizational ****** *** ******** ***** processes ensure **** internal ********** *** monitored Ideally *** ********** procedures determine *** ******* systems When ***** ** ********** ** *** ******** control an ********** of *** control strengths *** ********** *** ********** *** ******** of *** ******** control ******* *** ***** on *** ************* ** the ****** ** requires that ***** ******* in an ************ **** effective mechanisms that *** ******** on organizational *********** ******** ***** Salterio 2016) ********* the ******** ******** ********** *** ********** process ******* ********** ** ***** *** ******* **** *** affect performanceRecommendation ** Accounting *********** systemsMitigating ***** ** quite ********* Performing a ******** ** ***** ** *********** ** identifying the ******** ****** of ******* ** the ******** ******* ******* Implementation of ******** ************ *** lead ** *** *********** of ******* ********** ***** lead to *** realization ** ******** ***** **** ***** accounting systems **** ************ *********** ***** ***** much ******** and **** *** **** to **** **** ******** ***** ******** *** ******* ** *** organizational ***** It ** ************* that ************** ** done ** *** ********* ***** to ****** that *** ******** ******** *** ** place Sharing ** ********* *********** is ******* *** company policies; **** *** need to **** ****** ** ***** *********** ** ****** ** financial information *** ****** *** ********** This ***** ** ******** *** risks ** ****** **** ***** ** prevalent *** ** inadequate measures (Hayes ********* ***** ****** ***** **** protection of *** ********** *********** systems ******** *** ****** *** ******* ** ****** *************************************** C * Choo K K * & **** * * ****** **** ************ from ******** ** ****** devices: iOS ******* ** case *********** ******** ** ****** *********** ************ * C ********* * * ***** ****** * * ****** ********** ************* An Active Learning Instructional *************** ** Forensic and ************* ********************** * R ***** ******** * * *************** ********* *** **** *****************

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