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1. Are non-owner stakeholders adversarial to firm profit? 2. Managerial agency level stakeholder research assumes that the ultimate corporate goal is the satisfaction of shareholder demands for market

1. Are non-owner stakeholders adversarial to firm profit?

2. Managerial agency level stakeholder research assumes that the ultimate corporate goal is the satisfaction of shareholder demands for market returns. Therefore, managerial decisions regarding the legitimacy and welfare of non-investor stakeholders are considered only for instrumental purposes. Explain what this means. What are the ethical implications of this approach?

3. Compare the "direct stakeholder reporting" and "regulatory" approaches to the improvement of stakeholder and corporate social responsibility reporting. Do you think either approach would be effective in improving corporate social responsibility reporting? Why or why not?

4. Do Benefit Corporations have an advantage or disadvantage over typical corporations? Why or why not? Should more businesses adopt the benefit corporation model in response to calls for more corporate social responsibility?

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