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1) Consider the first six theories on the resurrection of Christ. If you did not believe the resurrection actually happened, which of these theories do you believe would be most plausible? Why? 2) F

1) Consider the first six theories on the resurrection of Christ.  If you did not believe the resurrection actually happened, which of these theories do you believe would be most plausible?  Why?

2) Follow Paul and Barnabas through their first missionary journey.

3) Beginning with the angel’s appearance to Zacharias, trace the events in Jesus’ life up to year 12.

4) Follow Paul and Silas as they take the gospel into Europe and Philippi.

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****** ScienceName:Corse:Instructor:Consider *** ***** *** ******** ** *** resurrection ** Christ ** you *** *** ******* the resurrection happened which of ***** theories ** *** ******* would be most ********** **** Many ******** **** **** ******** ******* Christ ************ ** a fake * ** trust **** people that **** ** with *** ******** ****** having *** two brains where *** *** **** **** they are ********* *** ******* one For ********** **** have **** *** ** ** the *************** *** *** ********* ** **** of the ***** ******** 2005) ** this **** ***** *** does *** ******* *** ************ *** happen *** ******** ***** ***** ** **** case ******* ************* theory ************* ****** *** ***** ******************* theoryThis theory asserts **** **** ** *** people that *** ***** ** *** *********** **** *** **** ******* ***** so *** needs ** **** **** ************* does come **** ****** *** individual not outside This means **** ************* ** ********** ********* ** *** ****** *** ***************** ********** *** only * supposed ********** since ****** *** ************** ** * result ** **** *** ***************** appearances *** dismissedImpersonation theoryThis ** * view that *** ********** ** ****** *** not ****** ******* *** ************* ****** ********* ** *** opponents **** say ****** ******* since in **** of *** cases **** did *** ** *** ********* *** ** ********** ********* ***** ****** ****** that *** ****** **** was taken **** *** **** ** was ***** that the tomb *** ***** not ** * ****** ** ***** ************ *** it *** **** ****** ** someplace ** *** *********** who *** *** *********** **** and ******** through ***** first ********** ******* ********* ** ******* **** **** *** Barnabas were ******** ** command ** *** **** Spirit ** ** **** ***** ** ******* upto ******** **** they sailed off ** ****** At *** **** they ******* ** ******* **** ******* proclaiming message ** *** ** ****** ********** ***** they *** **** **** *** *** ** assistant ** they **** ****** their *** via *** ****** ** ****** **** *** **** ****** * person *** *** ****** *** ***** **** *** a ***** ******* ** ******** ** being * ******** *** ***** *** ******* ** the ******* Paulus a ********* that was * person **** ********** Sergius did **** *** ******** plus Saul ***** ** *** **** ******* ** **** God’s **** ****** who *** * ******** opposed **** **** **** ***** ******* *** ***** **** ********* ********* from accepting ***** Paul *** ****** **** the holy spirit **** *** ** * close ***** **** ** **** ****** son ** ***** *** *** of *** ***** monstrous ** *** ******** **** evil is it *** the phase *** **** to **** up ****** ** misrepresent truth ** Lord *** **** God **** touch you *** ******** *** won’t *** the ***** ** *** you will ****** ************** **** ********* *********** to Zacharias ******* ****** ** *** **** of Jesus’ **** 12 ******* ***** ******* ******** to Zechariah ** Jerusalem this was ** months ****** ***** is born *** ***** **** ******* **** in ******** At **** **** there was *** ****** ** ********* ***** ****** *** **** had ** ****** ** ********* ***** Jesus was **** ***** ** ********* with *** ****** *** Augustus ***** **** embraced *** *********** worldØ ***** ******* *** ****** to Mary in ******** * months before *** ***** of ******* **** **** to Judea ** **** Elizabeth and ******* *** *********** **** ******* ** **** in ***** ***** was *** ****** ****** ***** ** ****** ****** ***** that **** *** ******** ***** ********* **** ******* ***** ** **** in ********* ***** the **** *** ******* to be between ********* ***** *** ******* by wise men and ********* ** Bethlehem *** JerusalemØ Herod ******* the killing ** ******** ******** whereas **** children ** ********* ***** two ***** were murderedØ **** ****** plus Jesus **** to ******* ** * **** *** ***** *** circumcisedØ ***** ** **** ** was ********* to the ****** ** *********** ***** dies *** * **** of Herod divided up *** **** ** Palestine ***** Roman ********************* ****** ***** **** Samaria--Herod ******* ****** ******* **** ************ ****** ****** ****** **** ************* **** ****** *** ***** returned ** Nazareth ** *** 4BCØ ***** ***** ********* at 12 ***** ** *** and worked ** a ********* ** ************** **** *** ***** ** **** **** the ****** into Europe *** ********** acts of apostles **** *** Silas **** arrested ******* and ********** *** ******* public nuisance ** Philippi ** *** **** *** ***** Paul **** Silas ****** ** midnight besides singing ******* to *** **** ********* *** **** **** ***** *** ** ********** that ***** *** ****** *********** ******* ** ******* ** doors *** ****** ********** ***** *** ****** **** ** woke up *** *** what *** ******** ******* *** ***** and ****** to **** ******* *** **** *** Silas shouted that ** ****** *** **** ******* for they **** ***** *** ***** came *** **** ****** Paul *** ***** asking **** *** ** **** *** *** ** ** ***** **** ***** *** ** **** ******* From there **** **** ** ************ Athens ****** and ******* ** ****** Paul **** *** speech ** ********* ** ****** the ******** ** *** Lord *** and *** Christ did ** **************************************************************** * ****** **** ************ ** ****** ** ***** ****** ** Lowder Jeffrey *** ***** *** ***** ***** Jesus Beyond *** Grave Amherst *** ***** ********** ***** *********** *************************

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