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1. Discussion: Family Partnerships: Considering Cultural Humility, Challenges, and Barriers REFERENCES: PechaKucha. (n.d.). https://www.pechakucha.comBronfenbrenner Project. (2013, October 26).

1.      Discussion: Family Partnerships: Considering Cultural Humility, Challenges, and BarriersREFERENCES:

  • PechaKucha. (n.d.). https://www.pechakucha.com
  • Bronfenbrenner Project. (2013, October 26). Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systemLinks to an external site.. https://bronfenbrennerproject.wordpress.com/category/real-life-examples/
  • Brooks, D. (2020, March). The nuclear family was a mistakeLinks to an external site.. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/03/the-nuclear-family-was-a-mistake/605536/
  • Swick, K. J., & Williams, R. D. (2006). An analysis of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological perspective for early childhood educators: Implications for working with families experiencing stressLinks to an external site.. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(5), 371–378. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-006-0078-y
  • Wright, B. L. (2020, July 6). Understanding the sociocultural context of families is more important than everLinks to an external site.. National Association for the Education of Young Children. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/understanding-sociocultural-context-families-more-important-ever
  • Child Trends. (2014, July). Family structure: Indicators on children and youthLinks to an external site. https://www.fatherhood.gov/sites/default/files/resource_files/e000001199.pdf
  • Kramer, S. (2019, December 12). U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent householdsLinks to an external site.. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/12/12/u-s-children-more-likely-than-children-in-other-countries-to-live-with-just-one-parent/
  • Barroso, A., Parker, K., & Bennett, J. (2020, May 27). As millennials near 40, they’re approaching family life differently than previous generationsLinks to an external site.. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2020/05/27/as-millennials-near-40-theyre-approaching-family-life-differently-than-previous-generations/
  • Livingston, G., & Parker, K. (2019, June 12). 8 facts about American dadsLinks to an external site.. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/12/fathers-day-facts/
  • Geiger, A. W., Livingston, G., & Bialik, K. (2019, May 8). 6 facts about U.S. momsLinks to an external site.. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/12/fathers-day-facts/
  • Brown, J. (n.d.). Father-absent homes: Implications for criminal justice and mental health professionalsLinks to an external site.. Minnesota Psychological Association. https://www.mnpsych.org/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_dailyplanetblog%26view%3Dentry%26category%3Dindustry%2520news%26id%3D54
  • Christian, L. G. (2006, January). Understanding families: Applying family systems theory to early childhood practiceLinks to an external site.. YC: Young Children, 61(1), 12–20.
  • Helm, K. M. (2019). Family systems theoryLinks to an external site.. In Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. https://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=93871813&site=eds-live&scope=site

 Cultural humility is a journey, not a destination. It is the ongoing process of curiosity, self-awareness, reflection, and life-long learning that is shaped by every encounter we have with every family with whom we work, so long as we lead with an open heart and mind. Through the practice of cultural humility, we move toward shared goals with the families with whom we work, thereby understanding their hopes, needs, and desires deeply and gaining their trust by way of mutual regard and respect.

In this Discussion, you will examine the concept of cultural humility first from your own experiential lens. Then you will be asked to think deeply about how this work can be applied to building meaningful partnerships with all families.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 

Post your responses to the following:

  • In your own words, define cultural humility.
  • Explain how cultural humility applies to building and sustaining meaningful partnerships with every family.
  • Explain how cultural humility, building meaningful partnerships, and being aware of/overcoming challenges and barriers overlap. Illustrate your thinking with one example or more.

By Sunday of Week 3:

Review a selection of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two in one or more the following ways:

  • Share how your experiences with cultural humility have affected building relationships in your professional life.
  • Share examples of challenges and/or barriers you have experienced when building relationships with family members in your professional life.

2.      DropBox for Week 10 Discussion

Students, you have worked hard in this class. I hope you have learned a great deal about the roles of a principal and using the School Leadership Model for student and teacher growth. There is no need to respond to other classmates.  Simply answer the questions listed below.

1. Tell me something that you learned for the first time in this class, or something that you had a moment of revelation or insight was gained.

2. How will this model help you as a practicing administrator?

3. Share suggestions on how the course could be improved for future students.

3.      Module 3: Discussion 1

 SHAPE  \* MERGEFORMAT Discussion 1: Your Community of Practice: Supporting Each Other as You Interview and Evaluate Partnership Programs

Communities of practice come together around a common interest, problem, or cause. In this program, you are part of a community of practice of early childhood professionals exploring ways to improve not only your professional knowledge and skills but the field as well. Take time to review the ERLC resource, “Creating Communities of PracticeLinks to an external site.,” before you participate in the Discussion.

For this module, your Discussion experience will be a little different than others in the program so far. You will have the opportunity to use the Discussion forum for help and to support your colleagues as you identify and interview key people in an early childhood program and community organization that serves families in your community.


Any questions you have for your colleagues to support your progress and at least one of the following:

  • The early childhood program and/or community organization you have identified for your interviewsOR
  • The roles of the people you will be interviewingOR
  • Which early childhood program and community organization you are going to focus on and why

4.      Module 3: Discussion 2

 SHAPE  \* MERGEFORMAT DIscussion 2: Community of Practice: Sharing Your Findings

One of the great gifts of engaging in communities of practice lies within the depth of the participants’ own process of inquiry and reflection. Through cultivating reflective capacities, the breadth of our work becomes more integrated as we apply new learnings and shared knowledge. Thinking in terms of communities of practice, how can this process now, and in the future, foster the authenticity and depth of your own work and learning related to fostering effective and meaningful partnerships with families? How can it help you see beneath the surface, dispel your own assumptions, and tackle barriers with sensitivity and regard?

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 

By Wednesday of Week 6:

Post your response to the following in a Kaltura presentation:

  • Explain how your thinking has grown and deepened about families, family partnerships, strategies, barriers, and challenges.
  • Share your best examples of partnership that you learned about from the interviews in which you participated.
  • Share a recommendation that you made for the early childhood program or community organization that will change the way you think of and/or build family partnerships and why.

By Sunday of Week 6:

Review a selection of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two in the following ways:

  • Share questions and concerns you still have about building family partnerships.
  • Share challenges and barriers you still perceive and ask colleagues to continue this exploration with you.
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