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1.Freud's tripartite model of the human psyche contains three elements. Name them: 2.____________ argues that the unconscious is structured like a language. A.Sigmund Freud B. Carl Jung C. Jacques La

1.Freud's tripartite model of the human psyche contains three elements. Name them:

2.____________ argues that the unconscious is structured like a language. 

A.Sigmund Freud

B. Carl JungC. Jacques Lacan

3. Junot Diaz's "Ysrael" contain three main characters, the narrator/Yunior, Ysrael, and Rafa. If we examine each character according to Freud's model of the human psyche, which character would be define as the id, the ego, and the super-ego. Be sure to explain your classification.4. The id can be defined as:

A. Group  of answer choicesThe rational aspect of the psyche.

B.The aspect of the psyche that acts as an internal censor.

C.The irrational aspect of the psyche.

5. The _____________________ of the humanpsyche includes the pleasure principle and the reality principal. (The answer to this question contains two words.)

6.The ego acts as our moral center. It allows us to make moral judgments in light of social pressure. True or false?

7. The ________________ manifests itself through punishment.

8.The libido latent dream content. the source of our will to power. the source of our psychosexual desires. structured through the Oedipal complex.

9.What are the differences between the Oedipus and Electra complexes?

10.Freud's theory is most interested in evaluating the unconscious mind through a person's dreams. True or false?

11.Do you agree with Freud's assumptions that all artists are neurotic? Why or why not? 

12.Carl Jung's theory of archetypes states:

A.they are patterns or images of repeated human experience.

B. are not ready-made ideas, but predispositionsC.all of the answers provided for this question themselves in our stories, dreams, religions, and fantasies

13.In Freud's theory, what are the differences between displacement and condensation?

14.For psychoanalytic critics, the yonic symbol is __________, while the phallic symbol is __________.

A. Male/female 

B. Female/male 

15.Jacques Lacan renamed Freud's tripartite theory of the mind to these three terms. Name them:

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