1 . If non-cash assets are sold for $150,000 and all liabilities are paid and liquidation expenses of P 5, 000 are also paid , how much cash should
Homework Help [Partnership Liquidation - Lump Sum]
Hello, need help answering the attached exercise related to partnership. Please provide solutions and detailed explanations.
1 . If non-cash assets are sold for $150,000 and all liabilitiesare paid and liquidation expenses of P 5, 000 are also paid ,how much cash should Alex , Aaron , and Anthony receive ?2 .. If non - cash assets are sold for $ 50, 000 and all liabilities are*paid and liquidation expenses of P 5 , 000 are also paid , howmuch cash should Alex , Aaron , and Anthony receive ?3 . If nan- cash assets are sold for $40, 000 and all liabilities are. paid and liquidation expenses of PIO,000 are also paid ,how much cash should Alex , Aaron , and Anthony receive ?*4 . If Anthony received a total of P18,000 in the cashdistribution :"a . . How much cash should Alex receive ?"b. Assuming there are no liquidation expenses , how muchis the gain or loss on realization ?
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