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1. PS1 paper using TABULA method (15 points) based on field trip to PS1. Apply that TABULA Method (PDF on BB) to one artwork of your choice. Follow each step in writing, with about 1-2 paragraphs per

 1. PS1 paper using TABULA method (15 points)  based on field trip to PS1. Apply that TABULA Method (PDF on BB) to one artwork of your choice. Follow each step in writing, with about 1-2 paragraphs per step. This will add up to a written paper between 6-12 paragraphs in length. Make sure to check your grammar, spelling, and facts. Provide footnotes/endnotes for ANY information that you paraphrase, quote, or learn from another .

2. Video: Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic.This video features an experiment to see how an infectious agent could spread throughout a community and population. The data from the experiment is used to model morbidity mortality rates for a possible new Spanish flu like epidemic hitting the UK. The model is run again to include a specific intervention. 1 full pageDiscuss your thoughts on the predictions (e.g. morbidity and mortality)Explain how the predictions change after the model includes a specific intervention (state what it was!)Describe how you think this film might be useful in educating people about COVIDUPDATE: Film is available on youtube (for now)

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