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1. The disease process includes how a person contracts a disease, what happens to the body and to the disease while the disease progresses and _____.A. how long it takes to get curedB. how the dise

1. The disease process includes how a person contracts a disease, what happens to the body and to the disease while the disease progresses and _____.A. how long it takes to get curedB. how the disease endsC. how well the person fights off the diseaseD. what types of medications are used to treat the disease

2. Mary ate a cheeseburger at the local diner. She later contracted an E. coli bacterial infection from eating the beef in the burger. What was the etiology of Mary’s infection?A. The dinerB. E. coli bacteriaC. The cheeseburgerD. Her gastrointestinal system

3. The etiology of a disease can be a _____.A. pathogenB. wormC. break in the skinD. both a and b

4. Microbes that help you digest food are called _____.A. gastric acidsB. resident floraC. normal faunaD. digestive bacteria

5. Beneficial microbes that can travel inside the body can become _____.A. normal floraB. opportunistic microbesC. resident floraD. part of the bloodstream

6. Infections are caused by _____.A. harmful microbesB. resident floraC. pathogensD. both a and c

7. The symptoms of fever, chills, redness and swelling are indicators of _____.A. the fluB. a dislocationC. Alzheimer’s diseaseD. inflammation

8. _____ are found everywhere and are the most common cause of infection.A. BacteriaB. PathogensC. MosquitoesD. Viruses

9. The difference between bacteria and viruses is that _____.A. viruses are contagiousB. viruses must live inside a hostC. bacteria must live inside a hostD. viruses are not parasites

10. Antibiotics _____ kill viruses.A. can sometimesB. alwaysC. do notD. are being developed to

11. Fungi survive by _____.A. attaching themselves to a hostB. digesting rocks and mineralsC. absorbing and digesting organic materialD. both a and c

12. _____ are small bundles of protein.A. BacteriaB. VirusesC. FungiD. Protozoa

13. Fungi are _____ toxic.A. neverB. sometimesC. alwaysD. strongly

14. The tsetse fly is an example of a _____.A. mosquitoB. fungusC. parasitic hostD. parasitic insect

15. _____ are NOT parasites.A. BacteriaB. VirusesC. HelminthesD. Protozoa

16. Helminths grow in the _____ of animals and humans.A. fecesB. cardiovascular systemC. respiratory tractD. digestive tract

17. Parasitic worms can be passed from one host to another through _____.A. breathingB. spitC. fecesD. your dog

18. Protozoa are a type of parasite found in _____.A. feces and urineB. water and soilC. water and airD. water

19. In developing countries, protozoa may be found in _____.A. plantsB. animalsC. the airD. the water

20. The body’s first line of defense is the _____.A. immune systemB. mucousC. integumentary systemD. respiratory system

21. Pain, reddening, swelling, blisters or charred skin are indicators of _____.A. a burnB. a bacterial infectionC. malariaD. inflammation

22. _____ is important because of the risk of infection associated with burns.A. A daily bathB. A sterile environmentC. Moving the patient every two hoursD. Applying ointments

23. Swelling most often occurs as the result of _____.A. burnsB. blunt trauma or too much pressureC. being left in one position for too longD. bacteria

24. Sometimes swelling is a sign of _____.A. inflammation and infectionB. feverC. compressionD. both a and c

25. One of the most important ways that you can help a client avoid bed sores is by _____.A. using a gait belt or draw sheet when moving the clientB. scrubbing the client’s skin well when bathing to revitalize the skin cellsC. encouraging her to sit in a wheelchair rather than in her bedD. reminding the client to keep her bed sheets smoothed

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