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1. The purpose of the final exercise is to think about your team and your role in the world and how you can make significant progress on an issue about which you care greatly. 2. For this

1.       The purpose of the final exercise is to think about your team and your role in the world and how you can make significant progress on an issue about which you care greatly.

2.       For this project, you should choose one of the Sustainable Development Goals and develop a radical plan to make progress on this issue from where you sit in your specific organization, whatever that organization may be. You should research this goal on the UN SDG website ( and choose one issue in one of the goals to improve.  ( proposing informational campaigns alone is not sufficient as a radical idea, nor are descriptions of existing programs).  (My choices are no poverty, zero hungry, or good health and well-being)

3.       The final paper is a 2000-word report which will present an idea for a project your team at your work can undertake to make progress on one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Ideally, you should address how this can be implemented in the fastest and most effective way possible. This report should have your organization’s leadership as the audience in mind but requires a very limited introduction to the organization as needed for non-local audiences

• Section 1 – Introduction: Brief introduction to your organization and/or team. (100 words)

• Section 2 – Sustainable Development Goal: A brief description of the SDG that your report will consider and your radical idea for accomplishing that goal. (300 words) • Section 3 – The Problem and the Solutions – A brief discussion of the problem that you’re trying to solve and a brief description of what your proposed solutions will be (350 words)

 • Section 4 – Logic Model: A refined logic model of the existing policy or plan which sketches out the key assumptions related to its inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact. See for a discussion of logic models. Please consider a graphical representation rather than a narrative approach for this section. And remember to start from the outcomes in mind and work backwards! (100 words)

• Section 5 – Stakeholders: An approach to tactics building the team you need to accomplish this goal and helping to secure buy-in from your team and your chain of command (everyone has a boss!), which also addresses potential opposition to your idea. Your recommendations should include ideas for mobilizing key stakeholders to support the proposed policy or plan and to become agents of change. See this brief video on Stakeholder Analysis: for an overview of the process. While a narrative in this section is critical, a graphical representation summarizing this information can be helpful. (350 words) 

• Section 6 – Implementation: A process of implementation with key steps and milestones. (350 words)

• Section 7– Consequences: A brief discussion of potential risks and unintended consequences of the proposed interventions. (250 words)

• Section 8 – Conclusions: Conclusion, including a discussion of why this work is important (200 words)

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