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1. What are the problems facing SG in January 2010? 2. How much external funding will have to be raised in 2010 in order to finance operations? 3. How do SG’s problems illustrate the relationship be

1. What are the problems facing SG in January 2010? 2. How much external funding will have to be raised in 2010 in order to finance operations? 3. How do SG’s problems illustrate the relationship between the number of warehouses andinventory levels? 4. What alternatives are available for dealing with inventory problems? How would youevaluate the alternatives? 5. What actions should Ava Beane propose to Eric Gregory and Melissa Hayes?

Your paper should be a well-written 10 to 12-page document excluding cover and reference pages. 

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Tutor Charles
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********** GlassName ** *********** ** institutionDate1 What **** *** problems ****** SG in ******* ***** ********** ***** (SG) ******** *********** glasses to ******* ************* such ** ******* ******* ******* control sites ******** ************ hospitals *** ************** ********* ******** ***** ***** ******* 2010 a *********** increase ** ***** ********* ******* *** been tied ** *** ******** ********** ********* *** further ********* ********** ** ** ***** The *************** ***** ******** *** preventing *** company from ******** *** ***** ********* All of ***** ******** **** ** ******** to the ******* ** expanding *** ******* ***** ******** ** 2010 ********* ********* increased ** ***** ** one **** ********* ****** ******* **** ** ** ** ******* ** ** ***** **** stock surplus was **** to *** ***** money Scientific ***** *** planned ** use *** the ********* ** addition *********** ********* were ************* ******** ***** **** ****** *** some ******* in ****** *** ***** ******* **** *********** emphasizing *** **** for **** significant ********** ** ******** market opportunities in **** *** Latin America ********** ***** ***** ***** In addition expanding the ********* network *** increased ********* ****** ****** ******** complexity *** **** ********* ***** ****** (2019) *** ********* * *** ***** ******** Manager *** ***** ** ******* ** ********* SG list management ****** without *********** investmentScientific ***** *** ******* * ************ ****** ** ******* * ******** ************ **** ** *** ***** *** industry ******* ** *** indicating that **** **** **** **** ******** ***** & Maassen ***** As a ****** ** **** policy many ********* ******** **** ** ******** high ********* ****** **** **** ********** ****** **** ******** ******* et ** ****** **** * ******** order cycle with * one-week travel **** for almost *** ** their ******** ***** ***** **** ** *** ******* ** *** ********* ** * ********* the customer will have ** wait ***** weeks for ******** ** ****** ****** (2019) **** reduces ********** at their service ****** *** science ***** also **** not ** ****** *** ****** ****** and ********** ***** ** be ********* **** ******* ******** **** ******** their **** ** the ****** ** ***** ** *** ***** ***** *** ** this ***** **** they **** a weak ********* ********** ****** Although **** had a ******* ********* *** ********** system ** Waltham **** ***** *** detect *** ************* ******* computer-generated records and ****** ********* ********* ***** Mardijuwono ***** The ****** ***** *** identify **** ***** * *********** ***** ** ***************** ** *** to ********* ***** *********** ******** ******* ******** tracking *** ********* ****** processing ******** ** al ***** *** *** ***** ********** ***** has **** ***** heavy ******** ** it ********* ** improve its ***** *** *** ******** ** ******** ***** **** at ********** ************ ***** ****** ***** Therefore *** ********* **** was ******** which ****** * *********** ******* for ********** ***** as ** ******** ***** ************* ********** *** **** ******** ******* **** ** raised in 2010 ** finance *********** ** **** Scientific ***** ******* to ****** into *** international ****** ******* ***** Firmansyah ***** That ***** SG will **** **** ***** to **** its ******* operations *** *** *** ******** ********** ** ***** America' ********** ***** will **** ** ***** * 12250000 to ******* its ********** Also ********** ***** will **** ** ****** whether ** include * warehouse ** ******* ***** a ********* or ** outreach project ** ****** Logistics ******** ***** Depending ** *** ********** ***** options *** 2010 funding ******* **** **** * detailed description of *** **** budget needed *** international ********* ** below:· *********** ** ***** America = ******* ********* required· ****** *********** ** ****** * ******* ********* ********** ****** *********** ** **** ******* * $750000 Inventory ********** ********* **** ********* *** ********* *** company **** ********** ******** to meet ****** ****** = $10 ******* ********* How do **** problems ********** *** ************ between *** ****** ** warehouses *** ********* ******* *** ******** of Scientific ***** *** *** * ***** ******* ** *** rotating relationship between ********* ****** and ******* ***** increases ***** if **** ********* ********** ** ** 2019) ****** ** al (2021) additional ********* ***** the most ******** ********** ** the ****** ** ****** ********** **** ***** ***** to ** increased ********** ***** ***** ***** In ******** the ******* **** ***** *** ********* ********** ***** on *** ******** length *** **** of *********** ** ******* additional ********* storage ***** *** ********* ****** ** **** ******** **** *** ********** ** ********** ****** *** ***** ****** ** money ********* *** 40% ** *** ******** debt; *** ********* ******* *** ********* significantly (Styorini ***** ****** ***** ****** sales *** * 86 ******* distributed ****** *** ** ***** **** ****** 10% **** *** **** Pacific *** *** ********* *** **** ****** *** *** ****** ****** ***** & ******* ***** *** required ****** dose ** *** ********* is 1303ml ** ********** ***** Flask *** ****** of ******* ***** Beaker ******** ** al ***** ************ *** typical ********** *** ** *** ** ************ *** service ***** is ********** *** ** 953% *** **** ************ ***** than the ******** *** ********** ***** ****** *** data ******** *** ********* ******* in December 2009 * ***** ********* ****** ******** in *** North ******** ********* and ******** stock ********** *** 51% of total inventory **** * *** * **** ******* ***** **** ***** *** *********** the ******** ************ a ******* is currently ************** ********** of ******* ******** *** *************** it came to data ******* distribution ** ******* * ******* management ********** ******** **** ******** ******* *********** ** ***** ******** ************ ***** ***** ******** & *********** ****** *** ******* has ***** ********** * ***** warehouse ** located ** Waltham ************** *** ***** *** ****** ********* are ***** being distributed in ******* ******* Dallas Denver Seattle ******* *** ******* ******* ******* et ** ****** *********** *** ***** ********** ** Asia *** ****** ********** ** ******** storage ***** SG *** *** **** * plan ** authorize *** deployment ** ********* ********** ******** *** the recruitment ** transport ********* ************ & ****** 2021)Additionally shipping **** **** **** *** ******** to ******* ****** ** ******** and ******** ***** ** *** ******* ******** there *** be ********* human ***** *** *** ***** ****** affects the accuracy ** *** ********* (Legowo ***** ********** ***** **** *** ****** ****** in * ********* with a ********** **** are ********** *********** ****** *** usually take **** business **** ******** ***** The ************** ********* ***** ** ** *********** *** remodeledIt ******** * bicycle ******* *** ****** ***** not ************** ******* ********* above ** **** ****** ****** in ***** ******** ***** ********* and shipping units account for *** of ***** assets (Svistunov ** ** ***** ****** ****** **** ** ********* twice * **** ** the ***** ******** ****** ******* the cycling time was * ******** ***** *** had * ******** ****** **** for **** products; ** *** product ** *** ********* ** *** warehouse ********* *** **** ** wait about three ***** for *** next ******** ** ****** (Sinaga ** al ***** **** ***** *** * ** **** *** ** ***** **** or damaged ***** ***** increased the variance ** ********* ******* ********* *** demandMethods of managing ********* *** ******** of ****** ***** had $ ***** ***** stocks (Trunk ***** is ********* ***** by ********* ***** ***** ** problematic ******* ** ** usually expensive goods ** items that cannot ** adequately ******* *** ****** ** ** uncontrolled ********* in their warehouse ********** & ***** ***** But **** did *** **** enough security ***** as ** *** * ************ ****** of backup ****** According to ***** order ****** **** ************* ******** * production ***** ** *** *** ** *** ******** ****** cycle Order completion procedures ******** **** *** ******* *** *** **** ** ************* processThe ***** ** cash **** managementThe ******* *** undergone ******* **** flow ********** *** *** ***** cash flow ********* *** 40% ** the targeted **** ****** ***** Latief ***** ************ asset **** (acquired **** and ********** **** flows) ******* company cash ***** **** may need ** ****** *** ******* ****** **** their ******** *** ******* ** *** *** **** *** *** ******* delivered ** the ********* until *** ******* *** sold *** returned ** *** customer ***** payout *** ***** * long **** ***** & ******* ****** **** *** ************ available for dealing **** ********* ********* How ***** you evaluate *** ************* *** following alternatives *** available at ** ** ******* ********* ********* * central ******* **** which would allow ** ** compile its **** of names ** **** ****** (Msallam et al ***** However ******** ******** ***** will ******** ******* warehouse: In ******** ** *** Waltham **** warehouse ******* ********* in Dallas **** be provided **** ******* ******* ***** This **** ***** ****** ** be *** ** all ******* and ******* ********** in *** ********* ******** storage ** ****** ********* **** **** ******* ******* ******** Goods will ** shipped in bulk from ******* ** ** Atlanta **** ****** ********* *** ******** ** ********* ***** ***** ** **** ****** **** not **** ** **** the **** of renting * ********* *** *** ***** ** ********** ***** and developing *** products ** meet ******** needsWaltham conservation ***** ** **** ****** the company will close *** ** **** ** the ********** ********* ***** Mardijuwono ***** ** will **** *** ******** orders ** one ***** The ********* ** *********** ** **** ******** will be better positioned ** ******* ******** ****** *** stock ******* procedures (Abdissa ** ** ***** The asset ******** ******* **** ** ******** which *** *** ********* ** ********* ************* ******* ******** ****** and ******** recordsWithdrawal ** storage *********** ** **** option *** ******* ********** **** ** ******** **** ****** ********* **** *** distribution **** ***** ** *** ******* ********* ** Waltham; *** **** ** ********** *** ***** *** ******** *** **** will ** ******* by ** ************ ***** Sherov 2021) *** ********* ** **** ** **** **** ****** ********** **** be **** to ***** ** ********** ***** developing *** **** ********** of *** ********* products *** ************* *** ***** of ******** ********* ******* & ********** 2019) ******* **** ** ** *** *** ** that *** ***** *** ** ** shipped **** ******* ** Atlanta ****** ***** **** ** ********** **** ******* ****** *** Beane propose ** **** Gregory *** ******* ********* ***** ****** ******* *** following actions ** **** ******* *** ******* ****** ******* * ********* ** ******* to **** *** needs ** *** ***** **** *** ********* ******* using *** ****** ***** ******** ******* as ***** ****** *** ***** in **** ***** (Shatilo ***** ******** ** GL ***** demand in *** ********* southwest and central ******* ******* ******** costs *** ******* **** *** ** standards ********** et ** ***** Low ********** ***** ** ****** ******* ** ****** ********* Managers should enforce ******* *********** ** ***** ******* large ********* ** ********** ******* ** ** 2021) Have regular inventory ******* *** ********** ** ****** *** ****** ** *************** ***** ***** ****** reduces ******* rates **** *** to meet *** ******** ******* ** *** It has been **** throughout *** **** **** *** *********** ******** ** ** ** *** ******** establish the ********* and ************ ** ********* products (Setyorini ***** ****** 2019) ** ** unnecessary ** **** such **** ********** ***** (Dima & ******* ***** ***** ** **** ****** the need *** ******** managers ** **** ********* ********* *** **** ****** *** **** ** ************** This **** **** need ** ** done ** conjunction **** regional ******** ** ********** to ******** *** low ************ ** content (Msallam et ** 2018) ** ***** ** ********* *** ********** ** ******** stock ******** ***** ********* innovation *** ******* measures The case **** not ***** ** ******** ******* in ******** ***** ********** ******* 2019) *** *** ****** be ******** ** *** ***** on her **** **** **** strengthens *** flexibility of *** ** direction **** ******** ******* ** **** **************** 1 ***** *** ************* ** Ava ** consolidate ***** ******** operations in ******* ******** *** the northeast *** ********* ******* *** goal ** ** allow *** ** ** compile * **** of names ********* to need ****** ***** **** distributor ****** *** ****** *** such ******* ***** ***** ****** Fleet offers ***** ******** ******** ** the center ********* and ********* ********* ***** *********** *********** * for ********* **** ****** ***** to ****** Logistics (but only ********* southwest and ******* ** **** provide all ********* and customer *********** **** ******* ******** but ** a **** ****** ***** (Abdissa ** ** 2018) ** ** first ******* ** ******* ** ******** ************** ***** (Khudoykulov) ***** ****** ***** *** **** *** ** not ** ********* *** relationship with Winged Fleet *** **** ** ** ** ** ** *********** ** *** ********* *** ********* ** GL provides * cheaper ******* *** these ******* ******* ***** ********** ******** ***** *** ** propose ******* ** redesign *** ********** ****** ** ***** **** **************** ********* **** will ****** **** *** ********* eliminates ** ******* *** ********* **** ******* ******** delivery ******** ***** *********** ********** costs ******** times maintenance costs *** high staff ***** ** *** *** to ******** *********** ******** 2019) **** industry ********* ***** **** their processes **** *** ***** to ****** *** tools **** will **** ***** ***** **** ******** using *** **** ****** ****** *** must **** **** **** can **** and **** to **** ** *** future) to know that they *** buying tools **** ********** their processes; and *** otherwise ********** et ** ***** **** *** ********** and ***** are ** ***** *** system can **** **** ************** to ************** and the ********* ** ********* issue **** ***** ** be addressed with ongoing benefitsReferencesAbdissa * ***** * & ****** * ****** ****** and Development ** ******* **** ********** (PDM) *** ******* ******** Textile *** ********* ***** * * ***** ******* * A ****** **** ********* ** Agile ********* *********** ****** ** *** ** ****** 2006 ** **** ******* on ******* managementJournal ** ************* ************ 315-326Dolganova * * ***** ***** E * ****** Company ********* *** digital **************** problems *** ************************************************ (eng)) *********** * (2019) ******* ************** management: risks ******** *** ***************** *** ************ ** management *** *** ** ****************** H * & ****** A * ****** Digital economy *********** ** ********* ********** of joint ***** ************************* ** ************* теория ** практика (3-2) 217-219Legowo * ***** ********** * ***** ****** ******** ***** ********** of *********** ********** ********** ** ******* Gateway ******* Company ***** ***** InAsian Conference ** *********** *********** *** ******** ********** ****** ******** *********** A * ******* * * ******** * * Abu-Naser * * & AL Shobaki * (2018) *** ******* ** ************ ********** information ******* ** *** *********** ******** ************** *************************** ******* ** ******** *********** ******* ****************** * * & Latief * ***** ****** *********** ******* ** developing an integrated ********** ****** ******** ************ safety and ****** and *********** ********** ******* in monitoring *** evaluation system *** *********** improvement ** ********* Construction CompanyIOP ********** Series: ********* Science *** Engineering(Vol 508 No 1 * ******* *** ***************** * (2019) The ****** ** external *** ******** ******* on ********* ********** ** ********** ********* ** *** ******* ******************* *********** * Madelan S ***** ***** * * (2021) Analysis ****** Chain ********** *********** ***** SCOR Method in ********** *********** ******* at ** Pola ***** ************************ ******* ** ********** ******* *** ******** Technology6(2) ************** * ***** *********** * * ****** ********* ****** ** ********** ************ ** management ********** *********************** ******* maturity ******************** *********** relationshipsProblems and ************ ** ********** *** *** 3) **************** V ****** G ***** Lobachov V ***** September) *** level ** ***** ** *** ******* ***** increases social and ******** ******* ********** efficiency In2019 *** ************* Conference Complex Systems: ******* *** Modeling Problems (CSCMP)(pp ******** ******** * (2021) ********* *** ********* ****** Conservation **** and ********** the Salary ********** ********** Case ***** ** * Electric ***** ******* ***** *** ** Conferences(Vol 275 * ****** *** **********

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